Graduate Student Representation

Within the first month of the fall semester, the Graduate Studies Committee of each college will ensure that a graduate student and an alternate from that college are elected to represent graduate student interests on the College Graduate Studies Committee. The five graduate student representatives to the five College Graduate Studies Committees also constitute the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC).

Those eligible to be members of GSAC are full-time graduate students as defined in the gradu­ate catalog, graduate assistants, or part-time students who have completed 12 or more hours of graduate credit, excluding transfer credit, before the fall semester in which the representatives are chosen.

The GSAC will choose from its own membership

  • a graduate student member of Graduate Council; and
  • a graduate student member to serve on each of the following graduate committees:
    • Admission and Appeals
    • Assistantship Allocation (committee convenes as needs arise.)
    • Curriculum
    • Exceptions
    • Policy ( committee convenes as needs arise.)
    • Recruitment and Retention (committee convenes as needs arise.)

The GSAC may recommend members to serve on a Grievance Committee.

Graduate students serving on graduate committees shall be voting members of the committees on which they serve. Members of GSAC have the right to participate in graduate faculty meet­ings without voting. Vacancies in GSAC will be filled by Graduate Council. A vacancy will occur automatically if a student representative resigns his or her position or if he or she is not registered for courses carrying graduate credit. The GSAC may request Council to declare a vacancy if the student is delinquent in his or her duties. If there are no available students from a given college, the Council may fill the vacancy with a student from another college.