Music Conducting (MUCO)

MUCO 3715    Beginning Conducting    2 s.h.

Conducting techniques for vocal and instrumental groups; experience in conducting through class laboratory situations.
Prereq.: MUTC 2631.

MUCO 3716    Advanced Instrumental Conducting    1 s.h.

Experience in selecting, conducting, and rehearsing instrumental music; emphasis on performance problems unique to instrumental ensembles.
Prereq.: MUCO 3715.

MUCO 3717    Advanced Choral Conducting    1 s.h.

Advanced Choral Conducting is a course designed to develop skills, hone competencies, and share conceptual knowledge relative to the art and pedagogy of choral conducting. Students develop skills in conducting, score analysis and preparation, rehearsal techniques, error detection, and create artistic interpretations with a peer-lab ensemble.
Prereq.: MUCO 3715.