Thesis and Dissertations

Certain programs accept or require a thesis or dissertation as partial fulfillment of the require­ments for the degree. Students are asked to initiate an online form as soon as the members of the thesis/dissertation committee are identified. Students follow the style manual used by the field as determined by the department. The deadline for submission for approval to the Dean of College of Graduate Studies is:

  • Fall and Spring semesters:
    • dissertations submitted by the Monday of the 14th week of class
    • theses submitted by the Monday of the 15th week of class
  • Summer term:
    • dissertations submitted by the Monday of the 11th week of the full term
    • theses submitted by the Monday of the 12th week of the full term

Students who have finished required thesis/dissertation hours and have completed all course requirements but have not finished their thesis/dissertation are required to maintain current student status (enroll in at least 1 semester hour) in order to utilize University services such as computers,  Microsoft Office software, laboratory facilities, music/art studios, library, advisory assistance, etc.

Research using human or animal subjects requires prior approval by the appropriate committee (YSU Human Subjects Research Committee or YSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee).

The oral defense is a public presentation and must be advertised within the college.

Thesis/Dissertation Errata Procedure

Students and advisors should check content carefully before submission to avoid errors. On occasion, however, significant errors in content are discovered after submission to the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center of Ohiolink.  For submission of errata, the error must be considered significant. Minor errors, such as typographical or other mistakes that do not impede comprehension, are not formally corrected.

To request the inclusion of an Errata Statement to the original submission, please submit the following to the Graduate College:


Title of Thesis/Dissertation:

Accession Number:

Date thesis/dissertation submitted (Month, Year):

Attach a PDF of the errata data

Additional thesis and dissertation information is available on the College of Graduate Studies website.