Department of Psychological Sciences and Counseling

Welcome to the Psychology Program

Psychology is a great major!  The Bachelor of Arts Program in Psychology is the largest major in the Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Education, and one of the most popular at YSU because an understanding of human behavior is essential for most professions and careers.

The Bachelor of Arts degree may be appropriate for students seeking:

  • a general liberal arts degree
  • preparation for graduate study in psychology

We have faculty who teach all major specialties of the field including clinical, personality, learning, cognitive, developmental, physiological, health, and social psychology.

As the theme of the Psychology Program is Student and Community Success, faculty members conduct research into topics such as resilience and protective factors; mental and physical health, wellness, and fitness; learning persistence; motivation; personal beliefs; and developing critical thinking.

We are unique because we

  • are focused upon student success,
  • have small classes that are mostly taught by full-time faculty members,
  • conduct personal advising,
  • inspire students to participate in research opportunities with faculty,
  • encourage student engagement through study-abroad experiences, traveling to conferences, joining Psi Chi, and doing fieldwork / internship placements.

For more information, visit the Psychology Program or call (330) 941-3401

The Bachelor of Arts in psychology can be earned in eight semesters if students average 15-16 hours per semester. Psychology majors must select an official minor as listed in the Undergraduate Catalog.


Jeffrey T. Coldren, Ph.D., Professor, Chair


David Frank, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Carrie R. Jackson, D.Ed., Assistant Professor

James Juergensen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Victoria E. White Kress, Ph.D., Professor

Matthew Lindberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Kenneth L. Miller, Ph.D., Professor

Jake J. Protivnak, Ph.D., Professor

Madeleine Stevens, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Ying Joy Tang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Richard W. VanVoorhis, D.Ed., Professor


David B. Fruehstorfer, Ph.D., Lecturer

Swati Sethi, M.A., Senior Lecturer

Andrea Snyder, Ph.D., Lecturer

Paul E. Yarab, Ph.D., Lecturer

Jennifer Yensel, Ph.D., Principal Lecturer

PSYC 1560    General Psychology    3 s.h.

An examination of scientific and clinical approaches to understanding the relationships between one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and quality of life, including the basic principles governing the growth and maintenance of behavior, emotion, and cognition.
Gen Ed: Social Science.

PSYC 1560H    Honors General Psychology    3 s.h.

An examination of scientific and clinical approaches to understanding the relationships between one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and quality of life, including the basic principles governing the growth and maintenance of behavior, emotion, and cognition.
Gen Ed: Social Science.

PSYC 2600    Social Psychology    3 s.h.

Examination of the influence of social interactions on the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of the individual and the group.
Gen Ed: Social Science.

PSYC 2600H    Honors Social Psychology    3 s.h.

Examination of the influence of social interactions on the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of the individual and the group.
Gen Ed: Social Science.

PSYC 2607    Psychology of Intimate Relationships    3 s.h.

Psychological principles pertaining to intimate relationships, both marital and non-marital, and family dynamics. Includes topics such as communication, problem solving, domestic violence, and sexuality.
Gen Ed: Social Science.

PSYC 2617    Research Methods for Psychology    3 s.h.

An introduction to psychological research methods. Students learn how to conduct ethical research and report their findings as well as to critically evaluate the research of others.
Prereq.: "C" or better in PSYC 1560, psychology major or minor, or consent of instructor.

PSYC 2618    Introduction to Statistics    3 s.h.

Further exploration of psychological research methods and basic statistical analysis, with emphasis on descriptive techniques and data visualization.
Prereq.: "C" or better in PSYC 2617.

PSYC 2629    Data-Based Decision Making    3 s.h.

Students will learn to make decisions and draw inferences from statistical analyses, with emphasis on hypothesis-testing and inferential techniques.
Prereq.: C or better in PSYC 2618 .

PSYC 2655    Child Development    3 s.h.

Foundations of human development from conception through approximately the first decade of life. Fundamental issues of developmental processes in biological, cognitive, and social-emotional domains and their broader implications for society and later development of the individual.
Gen Ed: Social Science.

PSYC 2692    Human Sexuality    3 s.h.

An interdisciplinary approach to the study of human sexuality.
Cross-Listed: PHLT 2692.
Gen Ed: Social Science, Social and Personal Awareness.

PSYC 3700L    Social Psychology Laboratory    1 s.h.

An introduction to planning and conducting social psychological research. Topics include creating participant impact while minimizing loss of control, reducing demand characteristics and experimenter bias, and enhancing mundane and experimental realism. Two hours per week.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617 with grade of "C" or better and PSYC 3700 or PSYC 3700H (may be taken concurrently).

PSYC 3702    Abnormal Psychology    3 s.h.

Patterns of deviant behavior, including current systems of classification; classic syndromes; the nature and trend of major maladjustments; possible causative factors; and methods of prevention and treatment.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.

PSYC 3702H    Honors Abnormal Psychology    3 s.h.

Patterns of deviant behavior, including current systems of classification; classic syndromes; the nature and trend of major maladjustments; possible causative factors; and methods of prevention and treatment.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.

PSYC 3702L    Abnormal Psychology Laboratory    1 s.h.

An introduction to conducting research on psychological disorders, to include a critical review of research literature, examination of case studies, and gathering field-based data. Two hours per week.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617 with grade of "C" or better and 3702 or PSYC 3702H (may be taken concurrently).

PSYC 3705    Psychology of Learning    3 s.h.

A study of the learning process with emphasis on factors such as reinforcement, respondent conditioning, discrimination, generalization, transfer, etc.; an introduction to modern learning theory.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617.

PSYC 3705L    Psychology of Learning Laboratory    1 s.h.

Laboratory studies of learning processes. Students use observational and data-recording techniques relevant to investigations of learning processes. Laboratory activities include investigations of classical conditioning, reinforcement, shaping, extinction, practice effects or other phenomena. Two hours per week.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617 with grade of "C" or better and PSYC 3705 (may be taken concurrently).

PSYC 3709    Psychology of Education    3 s.h.

Principles of psychology as applied to the educational process, including characteristics of the individual learner, the classroom, the instructor, methods and techniques, and other factors in the learning process.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.

PSYC 3712    Industrial/Organizational Psychology    3 s.h.

Principles of psychology applied to business and industry with emphasis upon both personnel and organizational behavior. Topics include job analysis, selection, performance appraisal, organizational development, job satisfaction, motivation, and leadership.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617 or equivalent.

PSYC 3720    Motivation    3 s.h.

Classical and contemporary theories of motivation. Overview of research and theory on the interactive role of biological, learned, and cognitive components in motivation of human behavior, including emotion, need for achievement, affiliation, and power.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617.

PSYC 3724    Advanced Statistical Methods in Psychology    3 s.h.

A continuation of inferential statistics: complex analysis of variance and nonparametric statistics; additional study of special correlational techniques and concepts of regression and prediction, Recommended for the student preparing to seek an advanced degree.
Prereq.: "C" or better in PSYC 2618.

PSYC 3728    Biopsychology    3 s.h.

The structural-functional relationships of the various divisions of the neural system, their relationship to the organism as a whole, and their contributions to human behavior.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617.

PSYC 3728L    Physiological Psychology Laboratory    1 s.h.

An introduction to experimental methods for studying effects of environmental stimuli on brain function and behavior in animals. Two hours per week. Permit required.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617 with grade of "C" or better and PSYC 3728 (may be taken concurrently).

PSYC 3730    Psychology of Gender    3 s.h.

An exploration of psychological research and theories as they apply to gender issues. An optional lab is available.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.

PSYC 3734    Applied Behavior Analysis    3 s.h.

Applied Behavior Analysis. Scientific and conceptual foundations of applied behavior analysis. Basic principles of behavior analysis and application in applied settings are emphasized. The behavioral approach is contrasted with other approaches to the understanding and treatment of behavior, with a focus on scientific criteria and methodological differences. Ethical standards are covered.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.

PSYC 3740    Psychological Measurement    3 s.h.

Theories and principles of test construction, and an overview of psychological tests and questionnaires use in mental health, educational, and vocational settings.
Prereq.: PSYC 2618.

PSYC 3750    Special Topics in Psychology    3 s.h.

Selected areas of study not covered in the mainstream curriculum. May be repeated with different topics to a maximum of 9 s.h. toward the major.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.

PSYC 3751    Special Topics in Psychology Laboratory    1 s.h.

An introduction to planning and conducting research in selected areas of study. May be repeated with different topics to a maximum of 3 semester hour toward the major.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617 with grade of "C" or better.

PSYC 3758    Lifespan Development    3 s.h.

Study of theory and research on development from conception to death. Focus upon psychological, physiological, social and cultural influences. May not be taken for credit if the student has received credit for two or more of PSYC 3755, PSYC 3756, PSYC 3757.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.
Gen Ed: Social Science, Well Being, Social and Personal Awareness.

PSYC 3761    Cognition    3 s.h.

Experimental methods, research findings, and current theories concerned with human cognitive processes. The information-processing approach, focusing on how information is transformed, stored, manipulated, and retrieved. Topics include attention, pattern recognition and categorization, memory, and language.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617.

PSYC 3761L    Cognition Laboratory    1 s.h.

Laboratory demonstrations and experiments using research techniques in cognition. Two hours per week.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617 with grade of "C" or better.
Coreq.: PSYC 3761.

PSYC 3766    Cognitive Neuroscience    3 s.h.

This course is designed to provide students with a strong basic knowledge of the field of Cognitive Neuroscience. We will cover the foundations of the field and develop a thorough understanding of the neural bases of cognition, affect, and human behavior. Throughout this course, we will get a review of various areas of Cognitive Neuroscience, including neuroanatomy, hemispheric specialization, brain development, vision, audition, attention, language, executive functions, learning/memory, consciousness and emotion regulation, among a variety of other topics. This course will include a variety of sources including the required textbook, additional readings, and a series of podcasts/presentations.
Prereq.: PSYC 2617.

PSYC 3770    Individual Study    1-2 s.h.

Individual study of a special problem, or a review of the literature relating to a specific psychological problem or issue. A written report is required, one copy of which remains on file in the department. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 s.h. with different problems.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560 and consent of the chairperson.

PSYC 3775    Personality    3 s.h.

A critical overview of the major personality theories and theorists in the field of psychology, their application to the understanding of everyday life and a description of the pertinent research applicable to the evaluation of personality theories.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.

PSYC 3777    Cross-Cultural Social Psychology    3 s.h.

A psychological examination of the impact of culture on individual social behavior as applied to topics such as attribution, moral reasoning, gender differences, and group dynamics.
Prereq.: PSYC 3700 or ASST 1550.

PSYC 3779    Careers in Psychology    3 s.h.

Overview of professional development, including information on career preparation, job search strategies, and graduate studies.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.

PSYC 3780    Psychological Aspects of Disease and Death    3 s.h.

The primary factors affecting an individual's attitude toward illness, bereavement, and mortality. The psychological and physiological aspects of disease processes and death.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560.

PSYC 3785H    Honors Seminar in Psychology    1 s.h.

Study of selected topics within psychology suitable to the honors program.
Prereq.: Admission to the Psychology Honors Program, permit required.

PSYC 3790    Field Work in Psychology    3 s.h.

Exploration of different types of work and issues encountered in professional positions within the field of psychology. Supervised field work hours (approximately 10 hours per week) will be arranged. Criminal background check is required.
Prereq.: PSYC 1560 and permission of the chair.

PSYC 4800    Introduction to Psychotherapy    3 s.h.

A critical overview of major psychotherapeutic approaches to mental health including an evaluation of empirical validity. Students will develop an increased sensitivity to multicultural and ethical issues.
Prereq.: PSYC 3702 or PSYC 3775.

PSYC 4815    Health Psychology    3 s.h.

Psychosocial factors that affect the promotion and maintenance of health, as well as the prevention and treatment of illness.
Prereq.: 6 s.h. of 3700-level PSYC courses.

PSYC 4835    Special Topics in Developmental Psychology    3 s.h.

Advanced and specialized topics in developmental psychology. Topics vary over semesters, and may include the study of infancy, the development of exceptional children, cross-cultural developmental psychology, among others. May be repeated with different topics to a maximum of 6 s.h. toward the major.
Prereq.: PSYC 3755 or PSYC 3756 or PSYC 3757 or PSYC 3758.

PSYC 4841    History of Psychology    3 s.h.

The development of scientific psychology, with major emphasis on trends since the mid-19th century.
Prereq.: 9 s.h. of psychology.

PSYC 4850    Seminar    3 s.h.

Major topics in psychology selected by the instructor not covered in other courses.
Prereq.: C or better in PSYC 2617.

PSYC 4850F    ST: Meaning & Life Well Lived    3 s.h.

An exploration of the psychology of meaning, search for meaning, and pursuit of a fulfilling life. Will read original sources materials and published research on meaning, happiness, and mental well-being.
Prereq.: C or better in PSYC 2617.

PSYC 4890    Thesis    1-2 s.h.

Data collection and a research paper on a topic approved by the thesis advisor. This project takes two semesters to complete. Must be repeated for a maximum of 3 s.h. in the psychology major.
Prereq.: Grade of "C" or better in PSYC 2619 & consent of thesis advisor & chair.

PSYC 4891H    Honors Thesis    1-2 s.h.

The student prepares an empirical research paper on a topic approved by an honors thesis advisor and honors thesis committee. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 s.h. in the psychology major.
Prereq.: C or better in PSYC 2619, consent of thesis advisor & chair, and admission into the Honors Program.

PSYC 4895    Senior Psychology Capstone Experience    2 s.h.

A capstone experience for the major in psychology.
Prereq.: Senior status, grade of "C" or better in PSYC 2618, one PSYC lab course, and consent of thesis advisor and chair.
Gen Ed: Capstone.