Post-master's Certificate in Higher Education Leadership and Administration

Certificate Coordinator

Dr. Jane Beese
4105 Beeghly Hall
(330) 941-2236

The Advanced Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Leadership and Administration equips students with the essential knowledge and skills required to excel in leadership roles within higher education institutions. This comprehensive certificate program is designed to meet the increasing demand for professionals who can navigate the complexities of today's educational landscape while fostering student success and institutional excellence. The curriculum for the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Leadership and Administration is comprised of 18 semester hours of coursework, carefully structured to cover essential topics and competencies necessary for graduates to excel in Higher Education Administration.

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements are set in alignment with the prerequisites of our sponsoring graduate programs. The admission requirements include:

  • Complete online application for admission
  • Pay $45 application fee ($90 International). Waived for active/veteran military members or for applicants who have attended the College of Graduate Studies in the past.
  • Minimum GPA 3.00
  • Already hold a master's degree in a related field.
  • Submit official transcript from graduate coursework from regional and accredited institutions
  • Submit official scores for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) (waived for applicants who have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher)

Certificate Requirements

EDAD 8126Legal Issues in Higher Education3
EDAD 8141History of Higher Education3
EDAD 8143Higher Education Finance & Policy3
EDAD 8144Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education3
EDAD 8147Diversity & Equity in Higher Education3
EDAD 7070AClinical Experience in Higher Education (EDAD 7070A/B are the same course. Students repeat this course three times.)3
Total Semester Hours18

Jane Beese, Ed.D., Professor
Organizational leadership; economics of education; program evaluation

Charles Jeffords, Ed.D., Assistant Professor
Administrative practices; school and community relations; school finance

Karen H. Larwin, Ph.D., Professor
Assessment; research design and methodology; statistics

Nathan Myers, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Learning Outcomes

The primary educational objectives of the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Leadership and Administration are based on the ten professional competency areas for student affairs educators. The competencies are supported by two organizations: 1. The College Student Educators International (ACP) and 2. Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA). The objectives for the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Leadership and Administration are below.

  1. Cultivate Personal and Professional Integrity:

    • Develop and uphold a strong commitment to ethical standards encompassing both personal and professional life, while fostering personal well-being and continuous growth.
  2. Bridge Historical Foundations with Current Practice:

    • Establish a comprehensive link between the historical roots, philosophical underpinnings, and values of higher education administration, and their practical application in contemporary higher education settings.
  3. Master Assessment and Evaluation Practices:

    • Proficiently design, execute, evaluate, and leverage diverse assessment and evaluation practices to inform decision-making and shape effective practices within higher education.
  4. Navigate Policy Development and Governance:

    • Understand the intricacies of policy development processes, apply legal principles, address compliance issues, and grasp the governance structures that exert influence on professional practices within higher education.
  5. Efficiently Manage Institutional Resources:

    • Effectively oversee human capital, financial assets, and physical resources within an educational institution, ensuring their optimal utilization for achieving organizational goals.
  6. Exhibit Leadership Competence:

    • Demonstrate leadership abilities, irrespective of possessing formal positional authority, by effectively guiding and influencing individuals and teams within the higher education context.
  7. Promote Equity and Inclusivity:

    • Advocate for the equitable inclusion of all demographic groups while actively addressing issues related to oppression, privilege, and power within the higher education landscape.
  8. Apply Student Development and Learning Theories:

    • Apply principles of student development and learning theories to enhance and inform both student affairs and teaching practices within higher education.
  9. Utilize Digital Tools for Enhanced Learning and Performance:

    • Harness digital tools, resources, and technologies to advance student learning, development, and success, and to enhance the performance of professionals in the realm of higher education administration.
  10. Deliver Effective Advising and Support:

    • Provide impactful guidance and support to individuals and groups within the educational context, while considering self-awareness and tailoring assistance to meet the unique needs of others.