Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering 4+1 Graduate Track


Civil engineers are responsible for planning, designing, and supervising construction of infrastructure including buildings, bridges, highways, levees, dams, drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities, ports, railroads, airports, etc. The undergraduate program in Civil Engineering (CE) at YSU offers a Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Civil Engineering degree through an ABET accredited curriculum designed for students to graduate in four years. Students receive a fundamental background in math and science to prepare for core courses in civil engineering. They not only learn from faculty lectures, but also gain real-world experience through participating in co-ops/internships, undergraduate research, laboratory activities, and building concrete canoe and steel bridge from scratch and competing in regional and national competitions.

Civil engineers make the world a better place. With that philosophy in mind, we educate our students to undertake challenging civil engineering jobs and leadership roles in building our community and infrastructure. At the time of graduation, our students are well-prepared to enter the workforce in all five sub-disciplines of civil engineering including structural, transportation, geotechnical, water resources, and environmental. Faculty members have the highest degree in their respective sub-disciplines and the professional engineering licensure that requires them to remain active in the profession through continuing education and research.

In order to support ASCE's 'Bachelor+30' initiative to facilitate lifelong learning and to improve knowledge base of future civil engineers, an accelerated 4+1 BE/MSE in Civil Engineering track is being offered. Students already in the YSU Civil Engineering undergraduate program can apply for admission into this acclerated track after completing 78 semester hours with a GPA of 3.3 or higher. After being admitted into the accelerated track, students will be allowed a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate coursework to be double-counted towards both Bachelor's and Master's degrees upon approval by the Graduate Program Director. An additional 6000 level graduate coursework of three semester hours can be completed as an undergraduate and used exclusively for graduate credit. This will allow students to obtain a graduate degree with 30 semester hours or more within a year after the Bachelor’s degree.

For more information about the 4+1 BE/MSE in Civil Engineering track, please contact:

Anwarul Islam, PhD, PE, F.ASCE
Professor and Program Coordinator
Civil Engineering
2415 Moser Hall
One University Plaza
Youngstown, OH 44555
Tel: (330) 941-2421
Fax: (330) 941-3265

Bachelor of Engineering program

First Year Requirement - Student Success
YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
General Education Requirements
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
ENGL 1551Writing 23
CMST 1545Communication Foundations3
Mathematics requirement (met with MATH in major)
Select one Arts and Humanities:3
Introduction to Professional Ethics
Engineering Ethics
Business Ethics
Arts and Humanities (Select 1 course)3
Natural Science (met with CHEM and PHYS required for major)
Social Sciences (6 S.H., Select 2 courses)6
General Education Electives (6 S.H., Select 2 courses)6
Civil Engineering Courses
CEEN 2601Statics3
CEEN 2602Strength of Materials3
CEEN 2602LStrength of Materials Lab1
CEEN 2610Surveying3
CEEN 2610LSurveying Laboratory1
CEEN 2660Computer Aided Design and Drafting2
CEEN 3716Fluid Mechanics3
CEEN 3716LFluid Mechanics Lab1
CEEN 3717Hydraulic Design4
CEEN 3720Transportation Engineering3
CEEN 3736Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering3
CEEN 3749Structural Analysis 13
CEEN 3749LStructural Analysis 1 Lab1
CEEN 4812Construction Management3
CEEN 4863Integrated Design Project3
CEEN 4881Geotechnical Engineering3
CEEN 4881LGeotechnical Lab1
CEEN 5855Reinforced Concrete Design3
CEEN 5856Steel Design3
CEEN Elective 1: Must be a design elective. Select one course.3
Highway Design
Pavement Material and Design
Environmental Engineering Design
Design of Air Pollution Control Systems
Foundation Engineering
Bridge Engineering
CEEN Electives 2 & 3: Select two courses.6
Water Quality Analysis
and Water Quality Analysis Lab
Highway Design
Civil Engineering Analysis
Pavement Material and Design
Civil Engineering Materials - Concrete
Natural Systems Engineering
Environmental Water Chemistry
Environmental Engineering Design
Structural Analysis 2
Design of Air Pollution Control Systems
Advanced Hydraulics
Foundation Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
General Engineering Courses
ENGR 1500Engineering Orientation1
ENGR 1550Engineering Concepts2
ENGR 1560Engineering Computing2
Engineering Fundamentals Courses
MECH 2641Dynamics3
ISEN 2624Engineering Economy3
Mathematics/Statistics Courses
MATH 1571Calculus 14
MATH 1572Calculus 24
MATH 2673Calculus 34
MATH 3705Differential Equations3
ISEN 2610Engineering Statistics3-4
or STAT 3743 Probability and Statistics
Basic Science Courses
CHEM 1515General Chemistry 13
CHEM 1515LGeneral Chemistry 1 Laboratory1
PHYS 2610General Physics 14
GEOL 2611Geology for Engineers3
or BIOL 2601 General Biology 1: Molecules and Cells
CHEM 1516
General Chemistry 2
and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory
or PHYS 2611 General Physics 2
Total Semester Hours128-131

4+1 BE/MSE in civil engineering

Students already in the YSU Civil Engineering undergraduate program can apply for admission into the 4+1 BE/MSE in Civil Engineering track after completing 78 semester hours with a GPA of 3.3 or higher. After being admitted into this accelerated track, students will be allowed a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate coursework to be double-counted towards both Bachelor's and Master's degrees upon approval by the Graduate Program Director. An additional 6000 level graduate coursework of three semester hours can be completed as an undergraduate and used exclusively for graduate credit. This will allow students to obtain a graduate degree with 30 semester hours or more within a year after their Bachelor’s degree.

Dual credit courses

Select 3 of these courses at 5800 level, as only 3 courses can be double-counted. You can select an additional 6000 level course that will only be counted towards the Master's degree.9-12
Pavement Material and Design
Civil Engineering Materials - Concrete
Natural Systems Engineering
Environmental Water Chemistry
Environmental Engineering Design
Structural Analysis 2
Reinforced Concrete Design
Steel Design
Design of Air Pollution Control Systems
Advanced Hydraulics
Foundation Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Advanced Soil Mechanics
Structural Dynamics
Biological Treatment Processes
Watershed Modeling
Water Quality Modeling


Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
YSU 1500 Success Seminar 1
ENGL 1550
Writing 1
or Writing 1 with Support
CHEM 1515 General Chemistry 1 3
CHEM 1515L General Chemistry 1 Laboratory 1
ENGR 1500 Engineering Orientation 1
ENGR 1550 Engineering Concepts 2
MATH 1571 Calculus 1 4
GER AH-1: Arts & Humanities Elective 3
Introduction to Professional Ethics
or Engineering Ethics
or Business Ethics
 Semester Hours18-19
ENGL 1551 Writing 2 3
ENGR 1560 Engineering Computing 2
MATH 1572 Calculus 2 4
CMST 1545 Communication Foundations 3
GER AH-2: Arts & Humanities Elective 3
 Semester Hours15
Year 2
MATH 2673 Calculus 3 4
CEEN 2610 Surveying 3
CEEN 2610L Surveying Laboratory 1
CEEN 2601 Statics 3
PHYS 2610 General Physics 1 4
 Semester Hours15
MATH 3705 Differential Equations 3
CEEN 2602 Strength of Materials 3
CEEN 2602L Strength of Materials Lab 1
GEOL 2611
Geology for Engineers
or General Biology 1: Molecules and Cells
CEEN 2660 Computer Aided Design and Drafting 2
PHYS 2611
General Physics 2
or General Chemistry 2 and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory
 Semester Hours16
Year 3
CEEN 3716 Fluid Mechanics 3
CEEN 3716L Fluid Mechanics Lab 1
CEEN 3720 Transportation Engineering 3
CEEN 3736 Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering 3
CEEN 3749 Structural Analysis 1 3
CEEN 3749L Structural Analysis 1 Lab 1
ISEN 2610
Engineering Statistics
or Probability and Statistics
 Semester Hours17-18
CEEN 3717 Hydraulic Design 4
CEEN 4881 Geotechnical Engineering 3
CEEN 4881L Geotechnical Lab 1
CEEN Elective 1: CE Elective 3
GER-1:General Education Elective 3
GER-2: General Education Elective 3
 Semester Hours17
Year 4
CEEN 4812 Construction Management 3
CEEN 5855 Reinforced Concrete Design 3
CEEN 5856 Steel Design 3
CEEN Elective 2: CE Design Elective 3
ISEN 2624 Engineering Economy 3
 Semester Hours15
CEEN 4863 Integrated Design Project 3
MECH 2641 Dynamics 3
CEEN Elective 3: CE Elective. May substitute with approval of CE Program Coordinator. 3
GER SS-1: Social Science Elective 3
GER SS-2: Social Science Elective 3
 Semester Hours15
 Total Semester Hours128-130

Program Educational Objectives

The Civil Engineering program will provide graduates with the foundation of knowledge and skills necessary for productive and rewarding careers. The program prepares graduate to achieve the following educational objectives within a few years after graduation:

  1. Perform essential functions on multidisciplinary teams in their professional careers in civil engineering.
  2. Demonstrate necessary communication, management, leadership, and interdisciplinary technical skills to excel in engineering and non-engineering sectors.
  3. Continue their intellectual, social, and professional growth through lifelong learning and advanced degrees.
  4. Obtain professional engineering licensure.

Student Outcomes

The YSU undergraduate program in Civil Engineering adopted the following student outcomes that prepare its graduates to attain the program educational objectives listed above. At the time of graduation, the program graduates should have:

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.