Associate of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering Technology

Graduates of the two-year electrical engineering technology program generally function as assistants to electrical engineers in the design, analysis, and laboratory testing of electrical and electronic systems and of rotating machinery. Most graduates are employed by electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers, utility companies, the aerospace industry, and manufacturing companies in general.

Students in the electrical engineering technology (EET) program may choose to complete two years of study and earn an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree. The AAS provides early access to employment in engineering support positions. Upon completion of the AAS degree, the student may continue on for the Bachelor of Science in Applied Science (BSAS) degree. This program provides additional coursework, continuing the student's growth to that of an engineering technologist or designer. Exceptional students may be eligible for enrollment in a Master of Engineering or Master of Business Administration program.


The Associate of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering Technology is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Electrical Engineering Technology.
Date of last campus visit:   October 2024 
Accredited through:   2030
Next campus visit:     October 2029 

Curriculum Sheet

YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
General Education Courses:
MATH 1513Algebra and Transcendental Function5-10
or MATH 1510
MATH 1511
College Algebra
and Trigonometry
or MATH 1510C
MATH 1511C
College Algebra with Co-requisite Support
and Trigonometry with Co-requisite Support
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
ENGL 1551Writing 23
PHIL 2626Engineering Ethics3
or PHIL 2625 Introduction to Professional Ethics
PHYS 1501Fundamentals of Physics 14
or PHYS 2610 General Physics 1
CHEM 1515
General Chemistry 1
and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory
Courses in Major:
MATH 1570Applied Calculus 14
or MATH 1571 Calculus 1
ENTC 1505Engineering Technology Concepts4
or ENGR 1550
ENGR 1560
Engineering Concepts
and Engineering Computing
EET 1501
Circuit Theory 1
and Circuit Theory 1 Lab
EET 1502
Circuit Theory 2
and Circuit Theory 2 Lab
EET 2605
Electronics 1
and Electronics 1 Laboratory
EET 2620
Digital Electronics
and Digital Electronics Lab
EET 3710
Electrical Machines
and Electrical Machines Lab
EET 3715Industrial Instrumentation and Control3
EET 3712
Programmable Logic Controllers
and PLC Laboratory
CCET 1503CAD Technology2
CCET 1504Drafting and Plan Reading2
Total Semester Hours61-68

First Year - Fall Semester

YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
MATH 1513Algebra and Transcendental Function1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
ENTC 1505Engineering Technology Concepts4
or ENGR 1550
ENGR 1560
Engineering Concepts
and Engineering Computing
EET 1501Circuit Theory 13
EET 1501LCircuit Theory 1 Lab1
Total Semester Hours10-12

First Year - Spring Semester 

EET 1502Circuit Theory 23
EET 1502LCircuit Theory 2 Lab1
EET 2620Digital Electronics2
EET 2620LDigital Electronics Lab1
MATH 1570Applied Calculus 14
or MATH 1571 Calculus 1
PHYS 1501Fundamentals of Physics 14
or PHYS 2610 General Physics 1
Total Semester Hours15

Second Year - Fall Semester 

EET 2605Electronics 13
EET 2605LElectronics 1 Laboratory1
EET 3710Electrical Machines3
EET 3710LElectrical Machines Lab1
CHEM 1515General Chemistry 13
CHEM 1515LGeneral Chemistry 1 Laboratory1
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
Total Semester Hours15-16

Second Year - Spring Semester

EET 3712Programmable Logic Controllers3
EET 3712LPLC Laboratory1
EET 3715Industrial Instrumentation and Control3
CCET 1503CAD Technology2
CCET 1504Drafting and Plan Reading2
ENGL 1551Writing 23
PHIL 2626Engineering Ethics3
or PHIL 2625 Introduction to Professional Ethics
Total Semester Hours17

Program Educational Objectives

Educational objectives for the electrical engineering technology programs have been developed by faculty and the program industrial advisory committee to support the university, college, and School of Engineering Technology missions. Graduates of the EET associate degree program generally function as assistants to electrical engineers in the design, analysis, and laboratory testing of electrical and electronic systems and of rotating machinery. Bachelor degree graduates are prepared to assist in the design and testing of electrical systems and may function independently in some areas.

During their first few years after earning the electrical engineering technology degree at YSU, graduates will have demonstrated the ability to:

  • Secure employment in a technical career related to their Electrical Engineering Technology degree.
  • Communicate effectively in a professional environment.
  • Continue growth in professional knowledge and skills.
  • Achieve recognition consistent with their educational achievements.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Graduates of the Associate Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology will possess the following competencies upon graduation:

  1. an ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve well-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline;
  2. an ability to design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the engineering design of systems, components, or processes appropriate to the discipline;
  3. an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in well-defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature;
  4. an ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results; and
  5. an ability to function effectively as a member of a technical team.