Bachelor of Science in Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology

Students who have earned the associate degree may elect to complete the bachelor's degree on either a full- or part-time basis. Courses in the bachelor's degree program further develop technical, communication, and managerial skills. Upon successful completion of the coursework, graduates are awarded the Bachelor of Science in Applied Science degree and are prepared for greater levels of responsibility and greater career advancement.

Graduates of the BSAS degree program obtain employment as engineers or engineering designers for government agencies, consulting engineers and architects, industry and manufacturing, and contractors. Because their education is more extensive, they are prepared for more responsibility and more-rapid advancement. BSAS engineers and designers plan, design, and inspect production and maintenance activities.

Based on an evaluation of their work, transfer students who have a related associate degree from a regionally accredited institution may be admitted to the bachelor's degree program at the junior level.

Program Educational Objectives

Educational objectives for the mechanical engineering technology programs have been developed by faculty and the program industrial advisory committee to support the university, the college, and the School of Engineering Technology missions. Graduates of the MET associate degree program function as assistants in the design, drafting and testing of mechanical products, equipment and processes. Bachelor's degree graduates assume greater responsibility in the design and testing of mechanical products, processes, and equipment.

During their first few years after completion of the mechanical engineering technology program at YSU, graduates will have demonstrated the ability to:

  • Work competently in technical and professional careers related to the field of mechanical engineering technology.
  • Communicate effectively in a professional environment.
  • Continue growth in professional knowledge and skills.
  • Achieve recognition and/or compensation consistent with their educational achievements.


The Bachelor of Science in Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Mechanical Engineering Technology.
Date of last campus visit:   October 2024
Accredited through:   2030
Next campus visit:     October 2029
YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
General Education Courses
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
ENGL 1551Writing 23
MATH 1513Algebra and Transcendental Function5-10
or MATH 1510 and 1511
or MATH 1510C and 1511C
Natural Science
CHEM 1515General Chemistry 13
CHEM 1515LGeneral Chemistry 1 Laboratory1
PHYS 1501Fundamentals of Physics 14
or PHYS 2610 General Physics 1
GER Arts and Humanities 6
GER Social Science 6
General Education Electives
MATH 1570Applied Calculus 14
or MATH 1571 Calculus 1
Two Additional Gen Ed Electives from any topic6
Courses in the Major
CCET 2604Properties and Strength of Materials3
CCET 2614LMaterials Laboratory 12
EET 3712
Programmable Logic Controllers
and PLC Laboratory
EET 3715Industrial Instrumentation and Control3
EET 3725
Electromechanical Systems
and Electromechanical Systems Lab
ENTC 1505Engineering Technology Concepts4
ENGR 1550 and ENGR 1560
MET 1515Mechanics 13
MET 2606Solid Modeling4
MET 2607Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing3
MET 2616Mechanics 23
MET 2630Manufacturing Techniques3
MET 2630LManufacturing Techniques Laboratory1
MET 3705Thermodynamics4
MET 3706Machine Design 14
MET 3707Machine Design 23
MET 3713Fluid Power Systems3
MET 3711Heat and Power Cycles4
MET 3714
Fluid Mechanics
and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
MET 3720Mechanisms3
MET 4810Manufacturing Systems Analysis3
MET 4820Machine Systems3
MET 4860
Robotics Technology
and Robotics Technology Laboratory
MET 4870Applied Finite Element Method3
MET Elective: Select 6 hours from list below:6
Tool Design
Numerical Control
and Numerical Control Lab
Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Technology
Independent Engineering Technology Project
ISEN/MGT Elective: Select 3 hours from list below:3
Entrepreneurship New Venture Creation
Statistical Quality Control
Fundamentals of Management
Legal and Social Responsibilities of Business
STEM Internship
Total Semester Hours125-132
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
YSU 1500
or SS 1500
or HONR 1500
Success Seminar
or Intro to Honors
ENGL 1550
Writing 1
or Writing 1 with Support
ENTC 1505 Engineering Technology Concepts 4
or ENGR 1550 and 1560  
MATH 1513 Algebra and Transcendental Function 5-10
or MATH 1510 and 1511  
or MATH 1510C and 1511C  
MET 2606 Solid Modeling 4
 Semester Hours17-24
General Ed AH Elective (1 of 2) 3
MATH 1570
Applied Calculus 1
or Calculus 1
MET 1515 Mechanics 1 3
MET 2607 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 3
PHYS 1501
Fundamentals of Physics 1
or General Physics 1
 Semester Hours17
Year 2
CCET 2604 Properties and Strength of Materials 3
CCET 2614L Materials Laboratory 1 2
EET 3725 Electromechanical Systems 3
EET 3725L Electromechanical Systems Lab 1
MET 2630 Manufacturing Techniques 3
MET 2630L Manufacturing Techniques Laboratory 1
MET 4860 Robotics Technology 2
MET 4860L Robotics Technology Laboratory 1
 Semester Hours16
EET 3712 Programmable Logic Controllers 3
EET 3712L PLC Laboratory 1
ENGL 1551 Writing 2 3
MET 3706 Machine Design 1 4
MET 3713 Fluid Power Systems 3
MET 4812 Numerical Control 2
MET 4812L Numerical Control Lab 1
 Semester Hours17
Year 3
General Ed SS Elective (1 of 2) 3
CHEM 1515 General Chemistry 1 3
CHEM 1515L General Chemistry 1 Laboratory 1
MET 2616 Mechanics 2 3
MET 3714 Fluid Mechanics 3
MET 3714L Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1
MET 3707 Machine Design 2 3
 Semester Hours17
EET 3715 Industrial Instrumentation and Control 3
MET 3705 Thermodynamics 4
MET 4870 Applied Finite Element Method 3
General Ed SS Elective (2 of 2) 3
General Ed Open Elective (2 of 3) 3
 Semester Hours16
Year 4
MET 3711 Heat and Power Cycles 4
MET 3720 Mechanisms 3
MET Elective (1 of 2) 3
Gen Ed Open Elective (3 of 3) 3
 Semester Hours13
MET 4820 Machine Systems (Capstone) 3
ISEN/MGT Elective 3
MET Elective (2 of 2) 3
General Ed AH (2 of 2) 3
 Semester Hours12
 Total Semester Hours125-132


MET Electives
Select two of the following:6
ENTC 4895Independent Engineering Technology Project1-4
MET 3710Tool Design3
MET 4812Numerical Control2
MET 4812LNumerical Control Lab1
MET 4830Intro to Additive Manufacturing3
MET 4890Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Technology1-4
ISEN/MGT Electives3
Select one of the following:
Entrepreneurship New Venture Creation
Statistical Quality Control
ISEN 3724
Fundamentals of Management
Legal and Social Responsibilities of Business
Total Semester Hours20-26



Graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology will possess the following competencies upon graduation:

  • an ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline;
  • an ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline;
  • an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly-defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature;
  • an ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes; and
  • an ability to function effectively as a member as well as a leader on technical teams