Minor in Statistics

Select one of the following courses:4-5
Applied Calculus 1
Calculus 1
Calculus 2
Honors Accelerated Calculus 1
One of the following statistics courses is required:4
Statistical Methods
Probability and Statistics
Select an additional 9 s.h. of upper division STAT courses, excluding STAT 3717 and 3743. DATX 5803 and DATX 5805 may also be chosen.9
Total Semester Hours17-18

For equivalent courses, consult the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Students whose major degree programs require one or more of the required courses for the minor may substitute other upper-division statistics electives for those requirements.  In particular, mathematics majors satisfy the requirements of the minor through at least 17-18 s.h. of required courses comprised of STAT 3743 and 14 hours of STAT electives at the 4800-level or higher.