The purpose of this page is to record addenda made to the 2024-2025 Course Catalog after the original publishing date. Addenda may be categorized as an addition, deletion or edit.
Addendum 1 - Addition to Instructional Tuition for Undergraduate Online Programs, Penguin Tuition Promise Rates, 09/19/2024
- Previous Information: Undergraduate Online Programs (not eligible for payment plan enrollment), RN-BSN, $275.00 per credit hour
- Revised Information: Undergraduate Online Programs (not eligible for payment plan enrollment), RN-BSN, $275.00 per credit hour; All other accelerated online programs, $460.00 per credit hour
- Reason: Per Board of Trustees Resolution YR 2025-11 approved on September 19, 2024, effective Spring 2025 semester
Addendum 2 - Edit to Master of Science in Nursing, Course Credits, 09/23/2024
- Previous Information: NURS 7049 listed for 2 credit hours; NURS 7050 listed for 2 credit hours; NURS 7051 listed for 3 credit hours
- Revised Information: NURS 7049 changed to 1-3 credit hours; NURS 7050 changed to 1-3 credit hours; NURS 7051 changed to 1-3 credit hours
- Reason: Per College Dean, previous information did not account for current cohorts who have only need 1-2 credit hours for degree requirements.
Addendum 3 - Edit to The MPH-Nutrition Track Program, 03/06/2025
- Previous Information: None
- Revised Information: The MPH-Nutrition Track Program is no longer accepting applicants
- Reason: Per MPH coordinator, the MPH-Nutrition Track Program was updated to state that applicants are no longer being accepted
Addendum 4 - Edit to the Engineering Technology Programs. 03/06/2025
- Previous Information: Date of last campus visit: October 2017, Accredited through: 2024, Next campus visit: October 2023
- Revised Information: Date of last campus visit: October 2024, Accredited through: 2030, Next campus visit: October 2029
- Reason: Per Department Chair, information was updated