Applied Aging and Life Courses (ALCS)

ALCS 3757    Aging and Social Policy    3 s.h.

Critical examination of social policies and social systems which affect aging and retirement. Cross-Listed: POL 3757 and SOC 3757.

ALCS 3758    Long-Term Care    3 s.h.

Examines critical issues in long-term care systems, services, and programs. Impacts of social demographic and economic changes on long-term care needs, demands, and supplies. Contemporary trends and future outlooks of long-term care.
Prereq.: ALCS 1501.

ALCS 3760    Death and Dying    3 s.h.

Introduction of the topics of death and dying and the process of, with the following objectives: to sensitize the student to the subject of death and dying, to aid the student in adjusting to the death of a significant other, to help individuals examine their own feelings and reactions to the death and grieving, to make students aware of the different cultural groups’ death and bereavement, and to examine hospice and palliative care benefits.
Prereq.: ALCS 1501.

ALCS 3761    Elder Crimes - Elder Justice    3 s.h.

Issues in gerontology and aging that affect law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Three hour lecture.
Prereq.: ALCS 1501.
Cross-Listed: CJFS 3761.

ALCS 3775    Dementia    3 s.h.

The understanding of the nature, causes, symptoms, and social consequences of dementia. Attention to the status of aging, caregiving, and to the status of those who suffer from dementia in contemporary society. Three hour lecture.
Prereq.: ALCS 1501.

ALCS 3790    Aging in Cross-Cultural Perspective    3 s.h.

Examines the phenomenon of aging from cross-cultural perspectives with an emphasis on cultural evolution and it's impact upon the status, roles and cultural values associated with aging and the aged. Three hour lecture.
Prereq.: ALCS 1501 or ANTH 1500.
Cross-Listed: ANTH 3790.

ALCS 4801    Later Life Issues    3 s.h.

The course is designed as an advanced course in the issues of later life and long term care services and supports. Three hour lecture.
Prereq.: ALCS 3703 .

ALCS 4821    Internship in Gerontology    1-3 s.h.

Application of gerontological knowledge in settings such as social agencies, government offices, hospitals, nursing homes, or industry. 135 total hours of internship experience.
Prereq.: Permission of Program Director.

ALCS 6905    Social Gerontology    3 s.h.


ALCS 6906    Perspectives in Gerontology    3 s.h.

Focus on the major theoretical perspectives of aging and aging related research with a focus on health. Theories from gerontology, epidemiology, sociology, and psychology will be covered. Three hour seminar.