Cliffe College Creative Arts (CCCA)

CCCA 4842A    Student Teaching Seminar for Art/Music (K-12)    2 s.h.

Seminar topics are based on research and theory related to art and music pedagogy, classroom management, cultural bias, academic language, differentiation, collaboration, and reflection. Examination of OSTP standards, NASM/NASAD standards and professional ethics.
Prereq.: Upper-division status in the art or music education program, passing scores on OAE art or music content, criminal background check, and completion of art or music program (including graduation recital) and excluding student teaching.
Coreq.: CCCA 4844.

CCCA 4844    Supervised Student Teaching: Art/Music (K-12)    10 s.h.

Sixteen weeks supervised student teaching experience in K-12 art or music settings.
Prereq.: Upper-division status in the art or music education program, passing scores on OAE Art or Music Content Exam, BCI/FBI background check, completion of all other course requirements in the program.
Coreq.: CCCA 4842A.