Counseling (COUN)

COUN 1587    Introduction to Health and Wellness in Contemporary Society    3 s.h.

Provides an introduction to the wellness model integrating physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Using current research, students explore decision-making models examining ethical, theoretical, multicultural, and practical concerns in developing their own wellness strategies.
Gen Ed: Well Being, Social and Personal Awareness.

COUN 1588    Exploring Leadership: Theory and Practice    3 s.h.

Introduction to the study of leadership through theoretical and practical applications. Through group interaction, discussions, and change projects, students will develop their leadership knowledge while acquiring skills to solve leadership challenges within diverse organizations. The course will provide students with intellectual and interpersonal opportunities to practice the process of becoming effective leaders.

COUN 1589    Success in Career and Life Planning    3 s.h.

The course will facilitate the development of career and life planning skills. This course is designed for, but not restricted to, entering and undeclared students. This course will emphasize identifying strengths, clarifying values, exploring career options, developing effective decision-making skills, and learning life skills related to health, finances, relationships, and community responsibility.

COUN 2650    Foundations of Helping Skills for Allied Health Professionals    3 s.h.

Skill development in learning how to foster helping relationships and increase communication skills with individual, family, or group-related patient needs in a health care setting. Emphasis on ethical, cultural, socioeconomic, and special needs in allied health care settings. Includes an experiential skill video training component.

COUN 2651    Foundations of Helping Skills for Human Ecology Professionals    2 s.h.

The course will facilitate the development of helping skills with individual, family and/or groups. Emphasis is on ethical, cultural, socioeconomic, and special needs in human service settings. Courses will include overview of counseling skills and theories that will assist students to address client care needs.

COUN 2652    Introduction to Addiction Counseling    3 s.h.

This course provides an overview of the field of counseling for substance abuse and addictive behaviors. The focus will be centered on alcohol and other drug use. Course topics will include models and theories of addiction/substance use, psychological processes surrounding addictive behaviors, the diversity of addiction, and models and techniques that work towards the prevention and treatment of addiction. Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to challenge common conceptualizations of addictions as portrayed in modern society and gain knowledge on the basic foundations of addiction counseling.

COUN 6900    Counseling Methods and Practice    3 s.h.

Methods and practices of professional counseling relative to relationship, goals, process, and documentation. Relevant ethical guidelines are stressed. Includes experiential skill training. For counseling majors or by permission of Department of Counseling.

COUN 6902    Theory and Foundation of Addictions Counseling    3 s.h.

This course provides a comprehensive overview of chemical dependency and process addictions. There will be an emphasis on all aspects of addiction, including etiology, classification, physiological effects of substances, theory, assessment, interventions, and recovery models.

COUN 6903    Addictions Counseling: Treatment and Intervention    3 s.h.

Knowledge, skills, and practice related to chemical dependency and process addictions. There will be an emphasis on assessment, models for treatment, and skills necessary to work in addiction/prevention programs in diverse settings.

COUN 6904    Crisis Counseling    3 s.h.

An overview of the professional concerns and issues school psychologists face working in public school systems. Orientation and preparation for the supervised internship experience will be discussed; future responsibilities as a professional and staff consultant. Legal and ethical issues pertaining to the role of a school psychologist will be reviewed.

COUN 6905    Cultural/Ethnic Issues Relating to Youth and Families    3 s.h.

Introduces pertinent theoretical cultural issues which relate to mental health professionals as they work with diversified populations. In particular, therapeutic skill enhancement of professionals will be advanced, since all counseling may be seen as cross-cultural. Group work and experiential exercises will provide an avenue for the professional and personal cultural growth of each participant. The goal is to also enhance participant's level of cultural sensitivity.

COUN 6910    Human Development and Family Systems Counseling    3 s.h.

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the content knowledge of human development and systems theory in order to become effective in helping individuals and families change. Major theoretical approaches to life span development and family counseling will be addressed.

COUN 6911    International Area Study: Project Learning Around the World    3 s.h.

This course is designed to enhance mental health or teacher's professional and personal level of sensitivity and competence via introducing them to innovative and traditional forms of intervention or healing in community and school settings in a developing country. Students will participate in philanthropic activities by helping to gather and deliver educational supplies via Project Learning Around the World (

COUN 6920    Orientation and Ethical Issues in Clinical Mental Health Counseling    3 s.h.

This course provides students with an introduction to the field of professional counseling and the foundations of community counseling. The course addresses the following topics: history, philosophy, cultural dynamics, advocacy, consultation, technology applications, and trends in professional and community counseling. The counseling profession’s ethical standards are also addressed with an emphasis on the ACA code of ethics and counselor ethical decision-making processes.

COUN 6930    College Counseling and Student Mental Health    3 s.h.

This course provides students with an overview of the field of college counseling. The course addresses the following topics: history, philosophy, theories, cultural dynamic, technology applications, assessment and evaluation responsibilities, legal and ethical issues, and current trends in college counseling settings. The college counselor's role, function, and professional identity as a student advocate, program coordinator, individual/group counselor, and prevention specialist is addressed.

COUN 6940    Human Growth and Development    3 s.h.

The goal of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the theories and concepts associated with human growth and development, specifically in regard to how they relate to counseling. Students will develop an understanding of development through life through a study of research and discussion of development theories. An understanding of the biosocial aspects of development specifically using Erikson’s and other theories will occur. The application of this information will be stressed due to its crucial role in the development of determining normal versus abnormal as well as the utilization of appropriate treatment goals and plans.

COUN 6961    Orientation and Ethical Issues in School Counseling    3 s.h.

This course provides students with an introduction to the field of professional counseling, and the foundations of school counseling. The course addresses the following topics: history, philosophy, cultural dynamics, advocacy, consultation, technology applications, classroom management issues, and trends in professional and school counseling. The counseling profession's ethical standards are also addressed with an emphasis on the American Counseling Association (ACA) and American School Counselor Association (ASCA) code of ethics, and counselor ethical decision-making processes.

COUN 6962    Counseling Theory    3 s.h.

Basic principles of counseling in an educational context. Development of procedural bases for counseling and educationally oriented counseling theory. Ethics and limitations involved in counseling practices.

COUN 6963    Occupational and Educational Information in Guidance    2 s.h.

Principles of career development and use of educational and occupational information resources in the guidance program. Lecture and discussion are used to explore occupational structure of the United States, sources of educational and occupational information including community resources, and the collecting, classifying, filing, and organization of educational and occupational information for use in the guidance program.

COUN 6964    Appraisal Techniques in Counseling    3 s.h.

Overview of the administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized tests and measures used in counseling practice with specific focus and supervised practice in the administration and interpretation of standardized ability, interest, intelligence, and aptitude tests.

COUN 6965    Applied Testing in Career Counseling    2 s.h.

Administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected assessment tools and their application to career counseling.
Prereq.: COUN 6964.

COUN 6968    Research in Counseling    3 s.h.

The study and application of quantitative and qualitative research in counseling with statistical application component.

COUN 6969    Administration of Personnel and Guidance Services    2 s.h.

A comprehensive study of the dynamic qualities inherent in planning, management, functioning, and structuring of personnel and guidance services in public schools.

COUN 6970    Counseling and Social Services in the Schools    2 s.h.

Examines the scope and comprehensive developmental programs for counseling and social services in the schools with consideration of need assessment and development of such programs.

COUN 6971    Human Relations for the Classroom    2 s.h.

The course focuses on skill development in human relations. These skills are studied and integrated with cognate skill development in the classroom, classroom planning and organization conflict resolution, and coping with behavior problems and motivation. Application is made to the classroom environment.

COUN 6972    Career Counseling    3 s.h.

Theories of vocational choice, vocational success and satisfaction, decision making, and vocational testing. Career counseling as related to the economic and social context.

COUN 6973    Group Counseling Theory and Practice    2 s.h.

Theories pertaining to group dynamics, process, interaction, consultation, and counselor intervention. For counseling majors or by permission of Department of Counseling.

COUN 6975    Counselor Consultation and Prevention    3 s.h.

This course is a study of the theoretical models of consultation and prevention. Techniques for implementation of consultation and prevention in schools, agencies, and higher education settings will be presented.

COUN 6976    Social and Cultural Issues in Counseling    3 s.h.

Counseling theory and techniques related to social and economic change, ethnic groups, subculture, issues of sexuality and gender, urban and rural societies, cultural mores, the use of leisure time, and differing life patterns.

COUN 6977    College Admission Counseling    3 s.h.

This course provides practical information on advising student and parents about the college admission process. The course is designed to promote career advisement knowledge and skills related to: consultation with parents, drop out prevention, student motivation, academic/career preparation, assessment, application process, financial aid, and interventions to enhance student and parents decisions regarding college admission process.

COUN 6980    Diagnosis of Mental Disorders    3 s.h.

Overview of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV-TR) format, with emphasis placed on the development of diagnostic skills for the major mental and emotional disorders commonly encountered in social service, educational, and community counseling agencies.

COUN 6982    Educational Leadership in Primary and Intervention Strategies    2 s.h.

This course will identify mental health issues that impact individuals, families, and the educational system. Prevention and intervention strategies will be explored, as well as issues and procedures of referral.

COUN 6990    Independent Study    1-3 s.h.

Individual investigation of advanced topics under guidance of selected staff. Permission of instructor required. Special approval required.

COUN 6991    Family Systems Counseling    3 s.h.

Systems theory as applied to family functioning. Major theoretical approaches to family counseling, including ethics and techniques, will be addressed.

COUN 6995    Trauma and Crisis Counseling    3 s.h.

This course features an overview of the impact of traumatic events and crises on individuals, families, and communities. Models and theories of intervention and response are addressed. The psychological impacts and needs of those who have experienced diverse trauma experiences will be examined (e.g., victims of child abuse, interpersonal partner violence, sexual assault). Contemporary issues associated with trauma and crisis counseling will be explored (e.g., crisis assessment, vicarious trauma and countertransference, cultural and legal/ethics issues related to trauma counseling).

COUN 7001    Counseling Practicum 1    3 s.h.

Supervised individual counseling practice with volunteer clients. Focus upon process, clarification, and resolution of counselee goals and counselor self-awareness/evaluation. Students are required to attend a scheduled orientation in the Community Counseling Clinic prior to the first class.
Prereq.: COUN 6900 and (COUN 6920, COUN 6961, or COUN 7026).

COUN 7002    Clinical Mental Health Counseling Practicum 2    3 s.h.

Supervised individual and group counseling practices in settings appropriate to student's programs. Requires field placement of 150 hours. Special approval required.
Prereq.: COUN 7001, no PR grades, successful completion of counseling program comprehensive exam, and permission of program area internship coordinator.

COUN 7003    Counseling Children and Adolescents    3 s.h.

Various theories and respective techniques for counseling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents. Research concerning the efficacy of such approaches will also be studied. Special approval required.

COUN 7004    Practicum in Student Affairs    3 s.h.

This course will provide an orientation to the student services division, as well as offering students the opportunity to gain experience in a higher education setting. The program component will include individual and group supervision, as well as supervised field experience.
Prereq.: Special approval required.

COUN 7005    Student Affairs Internship Seminar    3 s.h.

This course will provide a weekly supervision and 600 hours of supervised field experience for student affairs students. The internship supervision is designed to promote the integration of theory and practitioner experiences for students in a higher education setting and to help students prepare for the transition to a professional student affairs position following completion of the degree.
Prereq.: COUN 7004.
Coreq.: COUN 7020.

COUN 7006    Guidance in the Classroom    2 s.h.

Studies various factors important to a facilitative climate in the classroom and activities through which elementary counselors and teachers can provide these conditions. Considered as classroom management and discipline techniques based upon learning theory, implementation of democratic group structure for elementary school classrooms, and organized activities designed to promote the development of self-understanding and understanding of others in the child's world. The course requires extensive reading and review of published materials designed for classroom guidance in addition to observation of classrooms and role playing experiences.

COUN 7007    School Counseling Practicum 2    3 s.h.

Supervised individual and group counseling practices in school counseling. Requires field placement of 150 hours. Special approval required.
Prereq.: COUN 7001, no PR grades, successful completion of department comprehensive exam, and permission of instructor.

COUN 7008    Assessment for Educational Decision Making    2 s.h.

Assessment procedures used for making leadership decisions in the educational setting. Emphasis on community assessment, identifying high-risk students, and the development of guidance and state testing programs.

COUN 7009    School Counseling Internship Seminar    3 s.h.

Supervised internship in approved school counseling programs. May be repeated. For counseling majors.
Prereq.: COUN 7007.
Coreq.: COUN 7020.

COUN 7010    Clinical Mental Health Counseling Internship Seminar    3 s.h.

Supervised internship in approved community agencies offering counseling and other mental health services. May be repeated. For counseling majors.
Prereq.: COUN 7002.
Coreq.: COUN 7020.

COUN 7013    Topical Seminar in Counseling    1-3 s.h.

The course is for practicing counselors and counselor trainees and will include a survey of literature in counseling, contemporary issues, individual and small group study of special problems chosen by staff, for example, research in counseling, counselor values, and the counseling process; student values and drug abuse; team approach to counseling services; etc. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 semester hours.

COUN 7014    Topical Seminar in Counseling    1-3 s.h.

The course is for practicing counselors and counselor trainees and will include a survey of literature in counseling, contemporary issues, individual and small group study of special problems chosen by staff, for example, research in counseling, counselor values, and the counseling process; student values and drug abuse; team approach to counseling services; etc. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 semester hours.

COUN 7015    Topical Seminar in Counseling    1-3 s.h.

The course is for practicing counselors and counselor trainees and will include a survey of literature in counseling, contemporary issues, individual and small group study of special problems chosen by staff, for example, research in counseling, counselor values, and the counseling process; student values and drug abuse; team approach to counseling services; etc. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 semester hours.

COUN 7018    Diagnosis and Treatment of Children and Adolescents    3 s.h.

Overview of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition, text revision (DSM-V-TR) with an emphasis placed on the development of diagnostics skills for the major mental disorders commonly encountered in social service, educational, and community counseling agencies. The course will additionally focus on the development of diagnostic skills and treatment strategies for working with children and adolescents.

COUN 7019    School Counseling Program Development    3 s.h.

This course provides students with a comprehensive framework for planning, designing, implementing, evaluating, and enhancing content-based and comprehensive developmental counseling programs. The course is designed to promote knowledge and skills related to: prevention and crisis intervention strategies; use of a student information system to collect, analyze, and evaluate data in order to improve student outcomes; integration of the school counseling program into the total school curriculum to assist preK-12 students.

COUN 7020    Field Experience Supervision    3 s.h.

University faculty supervised internship experience in selected counseling-related settings. Students are supervised by the university-based supervisor during the internship field experience. Faculty provide regular weekly feedback on intern participation in field experience, conduct field-based supervision visits, and evaluate counseling skills delivered at the field site.
Prereq.: COUN 7002, COUN 7004, or COUN 7007.
Coreq.: COUN 7005, COUN 7009, or COUN 7010.

COUN 7021    Legal and Ethical Issues in Student Affairs    3 s.h.

This course is designed to provide graduate students with an introduction to the legal and ethical issues which affect higher education and student affairs practice. The primary goal of this course is to provide an exploration and understanding of legal issues pertaining to the various constituents of colleges and universities (students, faculty, and administrators).

COUN 7023    College Student Development    3 s.h.

The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the field of college student and human development across the life span. Students will be exposed to a range of human development theories and student characteristics that offer insight into the processes of student learning, growth, and development. Special focus will be directed toward understanding patterns of growth and change during the college years for different student subgroups and the implications of these changes for the practices of student affairs and college counseling.

COUN 7026    Orientation and Functions of Student Affairs    3 s.h.

The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the functional areas of student affairs. The application of a counseling-based knowledge and skills for student affairs practitioners will be emphasized.

COUN 7028    Advanced Counseling Theory and Treatment Seminar    3 s.h.

Research and discussion on selected counseling theories (e.g., Adler, Rogers, Ellis, Carkhuff, Berne) chosen by staff. May be repeated.

COUN 7029    Professional Issues in Student Affairs    3 s.h.

The purpose of this course is to expose graduate students to contemporary issues shaping student affairs practice. Topics will vary but will focus on the development of knowledge and skills in emerging areas relevant to professionals in student affairs (e.g., enrollment management, retention, assessment, finance and budget, grant writing).

COUN 7030    Human Relations Training for School Personnel    2 s.h.

Designed to improve the interpersonal relationships of administrators, counselors, teachers, and other professional staff. Objectives include examination of personal communication styles, the effect of the individual on task groups, and increasing leadership potential. For counseling majors or permission of Department of Counseling.

COUN 7031    Clinical Psychopathology and Treatment    3 s.h.

Counseling theories of abnormal behavior and mental disorders throughout the total life cycle. Specific personality theories and examinations of empirically-derived treatments will be included.
Prereq.: COUN 6962.

COUN 7032    Clinical Intellectual Testing    3 s.h.

Supervised practice in the administration and interpretation of standardized intelligence and aptitude tests.
Prereq.: COUN 6964.

COUN 7033    Personality Objective/Projective Assessment    3 s.h.

Supervised practice in the administration and interpretation of standardized objective and projective measures of personality.
Prereq.: COUN 6964.

COUN 7034    Advanced Evaluation of Mental and Emotional Status    3 s.h.

This course provides an advanced overview of the administration and interpretation of intelligence and personality tests. The course is designed to assist the student in becoming aware of testing procedures, testing practices and professional issues concerning the topic of assessment and to provide the student with practical assessment skills applicable to counseling.
Prereq.: COUN 6964.

COUN 7036    Consultation and Educational Approaches to Prevention    2 s.h.

The study of consultation theory and models. Educational approaches to prevention of substance abuse, child abuse, family and marriage problems, etc. will be included.

COUN 7037    Counseling and Psychopharmacological Treatments of Mental and Emotional Disorders    3 s.h.

The study of pharmacological, behavioral, cognitive, and emotive strategies and techniques associated with the treatment of mental and emotional disorders commonly encountered in mental health settings.
Prereq.: COUN 6980 or COUN 7013A.

COUN 7038    Counseling with Couples    3 s.h.

Application of family systems theory to intervention and prevention strategies with couples.

COUN 7039    Administration and Supervision of Mental Health Services    2 s.h.

A comprehensive study of management, planning, function, personnel structuring, supervision, and counseling services in a mental health setting.

COUN 7040    Principles and Techniques in Counseling Supervision    3 s.h.

Theory and practice of counselor supervision. Includes practicum assignment in counselor education. For counseling majors only and by permission of Department of Counseling.
Prereq.: COUN 7010.

COUN 7041    Case Conceptualization, Treatment Planning, and Clinical Supervision    3 s.h.

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the advanced case conceptualization, treatment/planning intervention (24 hours) and theory/practice of supervision (24 hours). Includes 12 contact hours of supervision of practicum students at the YSU Counseling Program Community Counseling Clinic.
Prereq. or Coreq.: COUN 7010.

COUN 7042    Administration and Organization in Higher Education    3 s.h.

The purpose of this course is to expose graduate students to the complex study of administrative practices and organizational theory in the context of examining campus environments. By developing an informed knowledge base regarding the multiple perspectives of organizations and campus environments, students will be better prepared to lead change in student affairs settings.

COUN 7043    Counseling Techniques    3 s.h.

Didactic and clinical practice training in the use of specific counseling techniques. The course is designed to provide focused training in counseling techniques from four domains of human functioning: (1) cognitions; (2) emotions; (3) behaviors; and (4) physiology. Didactic training includes brief reviews of counseling processes and theoretical models that provide a foundation for each technique as well as demonstrations of each technique. Includes opportunities for learners to practice each technique in small groups and receive feedback on both the fidelity/accuracy and effectiveness of their use of each technique. This course is designed primarily as a skills-building experience to equip learners with theory-based counseling techniques for use in counseling practice.
Prereq.: COUN 6900, COUN 6962.

COUN 7044    Leadership and Administration in Student Affairs    3 s.h.

This course provides students with an opportunity to read, reflect, and integrate theories, concepts, and practices related to leadership and administration. Students will be challenged to reflect on their core values and principles. Students will see leadership through a new paradigm, and formulate their own philosophy of leadership. Students will be challenged to employ visionary leadership in the planning and implementation stage of change.

COUN 7046    Assessment in Student Affairs Practice    3 s.h.

The purpose of this course is to promote the understanding of assessment and program evaluation in enhancing practice. The course will focus on how to utilize assessment to improve practice and to demonstrate the effectiveness of programs, as well as to provide opportunities to effectively assess various dimensions of the college experience. By learning the usefulness and appropriateness of various assessment methodologies, the emerging practitioner will learn to provide evidence for effective practice.

COUN 7509    Family Systems Within an Educational Context    3 s.h.

The focus of the didactic and experiential course will be on identifying patterns of children's symptoms, repositioning of the therapist within the educational system context and learning various therapeutic techniques to use with families of children with disabilities or other mental health issues.