Journalism (JOUR)

JOUR 2600    Investigative Reporting Workshop    1-3 s.h.

Students become part of a team of reporters. The program will identify one reporting project that will be the focus of this laboratory. Students are expected to participate in gathering and analyzing information and in the writing and/or production of stories.

JOUR 2602    Media Writing    3 s.h.

Introduction to writing for the mass media. Development of writing techniques and examination of styles and approaches used in writing for various mass audiences. Includes news stories, press releases, broadcast scripts and writing for online environments.

JOUR 2603    Media Ethics and Social Responsibilities    3 s.h.

Examination of ethical standards and moral theories and their practical application in professional mass communication through case studies. Students will learn to become active critics of media professionals.
Gen Ed: Arts and Humanities.

JOUR 2605    Journalism as Literature    3 s.h.

Examination of literary works by journalists. Study of journalism techniques transferred to literary storytelling.
Gen Ed: Arts and Humanities.

JOUR 2632    Introduction to Photojournalism    3 s.h.

The basics of photojournalism, including composition, lighting, editing, news judgment, and ethics.

JOUR 3716    Feature Writing    3 s.h.

Focus on writing stories that use facts, detail, structure and style to tell compelling non-fiction narratives. Students will pitch, report and write content including personality profiles, human interest stories and interviews.
Prereq.: ENGL 1551 or ENGL 1551H.

JOUR 3717    Editorial and Opinion Writing    3 s.h.

Techniques, approaches and practice in writing reviews, editorials, and opinion columns. Exercises in criticisms of the arts, editorial research, and editorial style.
Prereq.: ENGL 1550.

JOUR 3721L    News Content Creation 1    3 s.h.

Application of the principles of news reporting skills in student media. Emphasis on basic reporting skills, media tools and content creation for print and television.
Prereq.: JOUR 2602.

JOUR 3723    Advanced Journalism Editing and Design    3 s.h.

Application of visual literacy and editing skills. Emphasis on editorial decision making, journalistic style editing, quantitative reasoning, fact-checking, and practice of traditional and multimedia design techniques.
Prereq.: JOUR 2622 or JOUR 3725 and JOUR 2624.

JOUR 3725    News Reporting    3 s.h.

Study of news reporting and writing, with emphasis on journalistic and AP style, development of news judgment, interviewing, and storytelling through traditional and new media. Coursework may require travel for reporting projects.
Prereq.: completion of ENGL 1551.

JOUR 3726    American Media: History, Principles and Practices    3 s.h.

The development of American mass media, the role of media and its effects on American society. A survey course designed to familiarize students with the principles and practices involved in the industries associated with mass media.
Cross-Listed: MCOM 3726.

JOUR 3731L    News Content Creation 2    3 s.h.

Application of the principles of news reporting skills in student media. Emphasis on beat reporting, advanced information gathering techniques and content creation for television, web and print. Pre-req: JOUR 3721L.
Prereq.: JOUR 3721L.

JOUR 3759    Sports Journalism    3 s.h.

Techniques of sports reporting with emphasis on game reporting, sports features, columns, photography and new media storytelling.
Prereq.: JOUR 2602.

JOUR 3761    New Media Journalism    3 s.h.

Focus on new trends and techniques of electronic news organizations. Emphasis on storytelling using multimedia and non-linear methods of delivery. Coursework may require travel for reporting projects.
Prereq.: JOUR 2622 or JOUR 3725 and JOUR 2624.

JOUR 3768    Journalism Individual Studies    1-3 s.h.

Student selects a package of stories to research, report and produce under the direction of a faculty member, pending approval by the faculty member. Multimedia storytelling is encouraged.
Prereq.: Junior standing or permission of instructor.

JOUR 3769    Principles and Practices of Sports Information    3 s.h.

This course explores the history, development, trends and responsibilities involved in creating and disseminating messages related to sports teams and players, special emphasis on the relationship between journalism and sports information distribution. This course will examine the fundamental components of sports information and storytelling and discuss ethics in relation to sports messaging, player identity and audience relationships.
Prereq.: Junior Standing.

JOUR 3790    Documentary Storytelling    3 s.h.

Students will use journalism and production skills to create an in-depth visual report using documentary style. Students will be introduced to the practical considerations of making a documentary film, exposed to the various documentary styles and subject matter. Junior standing or permission of instructor.
Prereq.: Junior standing.

JOUR 4821    Advising Student Media    3 s.h.

Study of the role and responsibilities of the media advisor in high school and college. Topics include the unique legal and ethical concerns of student media, the training of student staff, the relationship of the student press to the academic administration, and publication-management concerns. Listed also as ENGL 4821.
Prereq.: JOUR 2622 or JOUR 3725 or ENGL 3741.

JOUR 4822    Magazine Writing and Reporting    3 s.h.

In-depth study of writing and reporting techniques for magazine journalists. Emphasis on learning freelance skills, getting work published, and marketing yourself as a magazine writer. Coursework may require travel for reporting projects.
Prereq.: JOUR 3725 or JOUR 2622, and JOUR 2624.

JOUR 4823    Advanced News Content Creation    3 s.h.

Emphasis on extended research, extensive interviewing and investigative reporting techniques. Coursework may require travel for reporting projects.
Prereq.: JOUR 3721L and JOUR 3731L.

JOUR 4824    Communication Law    3 s.h.

Study of First Amendment rights of the press and speech; examination of laws concerning libel, privacy, copyright, obscenity, censorship, open meetings and open records, broadcast regulation and commercial speech.
Prereq.: junior standing.

JOUR 4825    Selected Topics in Journalism    3 s.h.

Study of approaches to and special aspects of journalism not covered in depth in other journalism courses. May be repeated once with change of topic.
Prereq.: Junior Standing or permission of instructor.

JOUR 4890    Writing and Producing Television News    3 s.h.

Organization, preparation, and presentation of television news programs. Includes study of journalistic requirements of broadcast media and broadcast newsroom operation and writing style. Students will engage in story development, shooting/editing, script management, and on-camera performance.
Prereq.: Sophomore Standing.
Cross-Listed: TCOM 4890 and MCOM 4890.

JOUR 4893    Journalism Senior Project    3 s.h.

Capstone experience for journalism major. Individualized reporting projects with demonstration of advanced newsgathering and storytelling techniques.
Prereq.: JOUR 3731L AND senior standing.
Gen Ed: Capstone.

JOUR 4894    Journalism Internship    3 s.h.

Application of journalism skills through supervised work experience. Students complete a minimum of 180 work hours. Internship placement is selective. May require travel.
Prereq.: junior standing, 2.0 GPA, and special approval required, OR special approval required.

JOUR 4895    Journalism Internship 2    3 s.h.

Application of journalism skills through supervised work experience. Students complete a minimum of 180 work hours. Internship placement is selective. May require travel.
Prereq.: JOUR 4894, junior standing, 2.0 GPA, and special approval required, OR special approval required.