Liberal Arts and Social Sci (LASS)

LASS 2600    Career Strategy for the Social Sciences & Humanities    1 s.h.

This course is designed to help social sciences and humanities majors translate their education, skills, interests, and values into tangible career goals and eventually, a first job or internship. Emphasis will be placed on identifying opportunities and goals tailored to each student’s unique interests, career research, obtainment of relevant career experience, and debunking myths about career and majors. Students will be exposed to realistic and diverse career opportunities and employers.
Prereq.: 24 hours of undergraduate coursework.

LASS 2610    International Perspectives Credit for Study Abroad    0 s.h.

The Social and Personal Awareness requirement will be reduced to one course for students who complete at least 3 semester hours of YSU approved coursework with a grade of C or better while residing outside the United States for the equivalent of a semester. To receive the requirement reduction, the coursework must be approved by the Center for International Studies and Programs prior to the student studying abroad.

LASS 3750    Study Abroad    1-15 s.h.

An individually-arranged program of foreign study. Programs can be of 3 general types: (1) study trips conducted by YSU faculty, (2) trips or residential programs sponsored by consortial universities, and (3) independent trips. For independent trips, YSU faculty will design appropriate educational objectives and evaluate students' performance in meeting these objectives. A written plan detailing these objectives must be approved by a faculty member of the Global Awareness Committee and the dean of Arts and Sciences prior to the commencement of the trip. For all three categories, credit toward fulfillment of the degree requirements will be determined by the dean(s) of the relevant college(s), in consultation with the appropriate department chairperson(s). Note: study abroad generally requires about one year's advance planning.
Prereq.: Sophomore status.

LASS 3760    Washington Center Internship    6-12 s.h.

Qualified students will work in selected public and private agencies in the Washington, D.C. area, thus providing access to government and community leaders and activities, and gaining experience by participating in projects, seminars, and courses. A final project is required. Students must take an additional academic credit course at Washington Center. Additional details are available through the Department of Political Science. Credit may be applicable to the major. Grading for this course will be CR/NC.
Prereq.: Junior or senior standing, acceptance by the Washington Center, and permission of the chairperson of the major.

LASS 3780    Lifetime Learning Experience    1-6 s.h.

Credit for significant life or work experience specifically related to their primary concentration area.
Prereq.: Junior standing in General Studies.

LASS 4805    Integrated Social Studies Seminar    3 s.h.

A study of selected topics integrating the concepts and methods of the social studies disciplines. May be repeated with a different topic.
Prereq.: Senior standing in the Integrated Social Studies Curriculum with at least 40 semester hours of social studies courses and a minimum of one course in each discipline, or senior standing as a major in one of the social studies disciplines.

LASS 4840    Columbus Program in Intergovernmental Issues    15 s.h.

This Columbus residential internship is designed to give students practical experience and firsthand exposure to governmental processes, private organizations, and public agencies, officials, and policies involved in state government. This course is in collaboration with Kent State University which provides the primary instructors.
Prereq.: Junior or senior standing; POL 1560; and acceptance into the program by the KSU program director prior to registration.

LASS 4851    Capstone in Gerontology    3 s.h.

A capstone experience for the interdisciplinary study of aging. Students will complete a major research project.
Prereq.: Senior status in Gerontology and SOC 4850.

LASS 4880    General Studies Capstone    3 s.h.

Practical learning within the primary concentration area. May be an internship, field experience or scholarly thesis. The capstone experience must be approved by the student's general studies advisor or committee.
Prereq.: Completion of 20 s.h. in the primary concentration area and consent of the advisor.
Gen Ed: Capstone.

LASS 4890    Internship    2-3 s.h.

Integrate theory and practice through supervised learning experiences provided by an appropriate working professional and an Arts and Sciences faculty member. Students will submit a proposal for the internship, maintain a journal of experiences, and submit a final project paper. Students should expect to spend at least 4 hours/week per credit. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 s.h.
Prereq.: Junior standing with at least 6 s.h. of coursework in the discipline of the internship, and consent of the appropriate chairperson.