Master in Public Health (MPH)

MPH 6901    Public Health Concepts    3 s.h.

Organizational structure, history, law, ethics, essential services, global problems, and future of public health.
Prereq.: Graduate standing, permission of course director required for non-MPH students.

MPH 6902    Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health    3 s.h.

Theories of health education and promotion; intervention (communication, collaboration, and strategies): sociocultural, diversity, and regional issues as pertains to public health.
Prereq.: Graduate standing, permission of course director required for non-MPH students.

MPH 6903    Epidemiology in Public Health    3 s.h.

Epidemiological methods, including study design, legal/ethical aspects, and Epi Info, applications of methods including screening, disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, and community needs assessment. Student presentations to focus on special topics such as infectious diseases, chronic conditions, etc.
Prereq.: Graduate standing, permission of course director required for non-MPH students.

MPH 6904    Biostatistics in Public Health    3 s.h.

Principles of biostatistics in the context of multiple public health applications, Epi Info, SAS, and JMP statistical packages to be used.
Prereq.: Graduate standing, permission of course director required for non-MPH students.

MPH 6905    Health Services Administration in Public Health    3 s.h.

Management principles, including personnel administration, budgeting, financing, and continuous quality improvement as pertains to public health. Planning and evaluation principles, grant writing, public health economics, public health policy, and data sources.
Prereq.: Graduate standing, permission of course director required for non-MPH students.

MPH 6905C    CE Health Services Administration in Public Health    3 s.h.

Management principles, including personnel administration, budgeting, financing, and continuous quality improvement as pertains to public health. Planning and evaluation principles, grant writing, public health economics, public health policy, and data sources.
Prereq.: Graduate standing, permission of course director required for non-MPH students.

MPH 6906    Policy and Environmental Health Sciences in Public Health    3 s.h.

This course provides and overview of public health policy, policy development, and advocacy. Environmental health issues serve as an example of the intersection between policy and science. Environmental health topics include air/water quality, food hygiene, sanitation, municipal/infectious/hazardous waste, vector-borne disease, occupational health, legal/risk issues, One Health, and global issues.
Prereq.: Graduate standing, permission of course director required for non-MPH students.

MPH 6907    Grant Writing in Public Health Practice    3 s.h.

Methods and techniques for writing and managing grant proposals to support public health programs.
Prereq.: Permission of instructor required for non-MPH students.

MPH 6908    Public Health Practice and Issues    3 s.h.

In an organizational setting, the following topics will be explored: informatics and communication, diversity and cultural proficiency, ethics, and biology. These topics are emerging public health issues, which will be applied in a practice setting.
Prereq.: Graduate standing and MPH 6901.

MPH 6909    Public Health Research and Evaluation    3 s.h.

Students will critically review journal articles, create research questions, conduct comprehensive literature reviews, employ quantitative and qualitative research methods that fall within institutional review board parameters, develop and execute a data analysis plan. Culmination of coursework will be individual oral presentation and mock journal article.
Prereq.: Graduate standing; MPH 6903 and MPH 6904.

MPH 6994    Individual Investigation in Public Health    1-3 s.h.

Intensive research or readings on selected topic or problem to be selected in consultation with MPH graduate faculty.
Prereq.: MPH 6901 and MPH 6904.

MPH 6995    Special Topics    1-5 s.h.

Specialized sections selected by faculty will focus on specific topics of current interest to public health practice. May be repeated with different topics up to 15 semester hours.
Prereq.: Graduate standing, permission of program director required for non-MPH students.

MPH 6996    MPH Practicum    3 s.h.

Student is teamed with a faculty advisor and community preceptor(s) to work on a meaningful public health issue. For students who desire additional field experience. students.
Prereq.: Graduate standing, permission of program director required for non-MPH.

MPH 6997    MPH Capstone Project    3-6 s.h.

A faculty advisor and community preceptor(s) are teamed with each student who will develop a paper (i.e., grant, study, proposal) on a meaningful public health issue learned from the core MPH courses.
Prereq.: Graduate standing; MPH 6901, MPH 6902, MPH 6903, MPH 6904, MPH 6905, and MPH 6906.

MPH 6997C    MPH CE Capstone Project    3-6 s.h.

A faculty advisor and community preceptor(s) are teamed with each student who will develop a paper (i.e., grant, study, proposal) on a meaningful public health issue learned from the core MPH courses.
Prereq.: Graduate standing; MPH 6901, MPH 6902, MPH 6903, MPH 6904, MPH 6905, and MPH 6906.

MPH 6998    Capstone Project 1    3 s.h.

In-depth assessment of public health competencies and preparation for the culminating community experience in MPH Capstone II.
Prereq.: graduate standing; MPH 6901, MPH 6902, MPH 6903, MPH 6904, MPH 6905, and MPH 6906.

MPH 6999    Capstone Project 2    3 s.h.

A required culminating experience for MPH students to be taken after all core courses and MPH 6998 Capstone Project I are completed. In partnership with a community organization/agency.
Prereq.: graduate standing, MPH 6901, MPH 6902, MPH 6903, MPH 6904, MPH 6905, MPH 6906, and MPH 6998.

MPH 7008    Schools and Health    3 s.h.

Population focus survey of children's health issues and K-12 schools using CDC Coordinated School Program model as an organizing framework. Topics include school health policy, relationship of health and academic outcomes, and Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance (YRBSS). Current research infused into the course.
Cross-Listed: NURS 7008.