Music Education (MUED)

MUED 2611    Computer Applications in Music Education    2 s.h.

An overview of computer applications as they relate to the music educator. Specific hardware and software in music education will be discussed. Project topics: administrative software, music notation, MIDI, arranging and improvisation with computers, and designing multimedia. Meets two hours per week.
Prereq.: MUTC 1532 or MUTC 1532N.

MUED 2622    Introduction to Music Education    3 s.h.

This introductory course explores the purposes, organizations, and outcomes of schooling with special emphasis on the perspective of music education. Candidates undertake critical inquiry into teaching as a profession. Licensure requirements, teachers’ legal responsibilities, and the accountability of public schools are also explored. Additionally, students are introduced to historical, philosophical, social, and political aspects of music education, and the unique challenges of public-school music instruction in the 21st Century. Includes 15 hours of exploratory fieldwork in which students observe and collect information on the structure, governance, socio-economic makeup, and culture of three different school districts while paying special attention to how their music programs are structured and delivered.

MUED 3722    Music in Early Childhood    3 s.h.

Fundamental skills, repertoire, materials, and techniques for teaching music to pre-kindergarten through third grade children. For non-music majors.
Prereq.: CHFM 2633.

MUED 4820    Teaching Music Students with Exceptionalities    2 s.h.

The purpose of this course is to further explore and develop the principles and practices for effective classroom procedures, strategies, methods, curriculum, and materials for teaching students with learning, emotional, and intellectual disabilities along with other areas of exceptional educational needs and quality learning experiences. Areas of focus will be to understand how to teach students with exceptionalities in music classrooms and through meaningful music experiences. In addition to learning the legal, ethical, and professional responsibilities of teaching students of varying needs, pre-service teachers will become more sensitive to the similarities, differences, and critical issues related to the education of students with exceptionalities, their families, and the community in a K-12 music setting. This course has five (5) hours of pre-clinical fieldwork.
Prereq.: MUED 2622 and upper-division status.

MUED 4821    Instrumental Music Education    2 s.h.

Materials, methods and literature for teaching elementary, middle school, and high school instrumental music programs. Emphasis on curriculum design, pedagogy, orchestration/arranging techniques, and learning theories related to jazz, concert, marching band, and orchestra. Requires 5 hours of field experience.
Prereq.: MUED 2622 and upper-division status in the College of Education.

MUED 4822    Teaching Choral Music    2 s.h.

Materials, methods and literature for school vocal ensembles. Additional emphasis is on vocal pedagogy, curriculum design, score study, adolescent voice, vocal literacy, arranging techniques, vocal improvisation, programming, designing and implementing choreography in vocal ensembles, and current issues in vocal music education. Requires 5 hours of field experience.
Prereq.: MUED 2622 and upper division status in the college of education.

MUED 4823    Teaching Elementary and General Music    3 s.h.

The prime objective of this course is to introduce and develop the fundamental skills, repertoire, materials, and methods for teaching music to pre-kindergarten through third grade children as well as general music in grades K-12. This course has 10 hours of pre-clinical fieldwork.
Prereq.: MUED 2622 and upper division status in the Music Education Program.

MUED 4824    Music Teaching in the Middle School    2 s.h.

Music materials and methods of instruction in middle schools with emphasis on understanding the physiological and psychological development of early adolescents in the context of general music classes. Course content includes managing the learning environment, motivating students, developing music curricula, planning musical experiences and assessing musical behaviors. Requires 12 hours of field experience.
Prereq.: MUED 4821 or MUED 4822 or concurrent enrollment, and upper division status in the college of education.

MUED 4825    Teaching Music in the Secondary School    4 s.h.

Methods of organizing, administering, teaching, and conducting music in the high schools; instruction methods, curriculum, technology, scheduling, philosophy, classroom management, and applying learning theories and research to practice. Special focus on designing and implementing standards-based music objectives in both choral and instrumental rehearsal settings. Secondary focus on methods and procedures for facilitating a choral and instrumental program in the secondary schools. This course has fifteen (15) hours of pre-clinical fieldwork.
Prereq.: MUED 4823 with a grade of a "C" or better and upper-division status in the Music Education program.

MUED 4828    Teaching Popular and Folk Music    2 s.h.

Students will explore the tenets of vernacular music making as it relates to teaching school music. Specifically, students will investigate various approaches to composing, improvising, and performing on a variety of folk and traditional instruments. Specific topics include song writing, cover tunes, teaching vernacular ensembles (e.g. rock band, ukulele), electronic music production/performance, and creative warm-ups for school ensembles. Students will investigate the organizing elements of music teaching, including assessment, lesson planning for diverse students, managing the learning environment, motivating students, development of contemporary curricula, communication skill development, and the fostering of critical thinking, all within the context of vernacular and some traditional forms of music teaching and learning. This course has five (5) hours of pre-clinical fieldwork.
Prereq.: MUED 2622 and upper-division status in the Music Education program.

MUED 4844    Supervised Student Teaching, Music (K-12)    10 s.h.

Sixteen weeks supervised student teaching experience in K-12 music settings.
Prereq.: Passage of OAE Music Content Exam and APK, BCI/FBI background check, CCCAC Upper Division Status, completion of all other requirements in the program including graduation recital.
Coreq.: MUED 4842A.

MUED 5814    Selected Topics in Music Education    3 s.h.

This course will examine some of the major ideas about the value of music education that have been advanced by music education scholars and others, ranging from the ancient Greeks to contemporary philosophers and psychologists. May be repeated for credit with different topics.
Prereq.: MUED 4823 or MUED 4825 or permission of instructor.

MUED 5841    Music Workshop    1-3 s.h.

For students and teachers in service; topics may vary from year to year. Specific topics are announced each time the workshop is offered. May be repeated with different topic.

MUED 5841C    CE Music Workshop    1-3 s.h.

For students and teachers in service; topics may vary from year to year. Specific topics are announced each time the workshop is offered. May be repeated with different topic.

MUED 5858    Piano Pedagogy    3 s.h.

Methods and materials involved in teaching piano in private and classroom settings. Fundamentals of technique as well as repertoire. Supervised practice teaching.
Prereq.: Two years of applied keyboard.

MUED 5880    Vocal Pedagogy    1 s.h.

A comparative study of physiological and psychological approaches to voice instruction and their application to private and class instruction.
Prereq.: Two years of applied voice classes.

MUED 6950    Conducting Pedagogy    2 s.h.

The study and critical analysis of methods for teaching conducting.
Prereq.: One semester of applied conducting study.

MUED 6960    Research in Music    3 s.h.

A study of research tools and methodologies as applied to music scholarship and bibliography. This course is intended to lay the foundation for the thesis or exit paper, and a final research project or project proposal is required. May include the study of historical, philosophical, qualitative, quantitative, and/or analytic research methods, as deemed appropriate for students' areas of research.
Cross-Listed: MUHL 6960.

MUED 6970    Foundations of Music Education    3 s.h.

An examination of basic principles and techniques of music instruction; contemporary trends viewed from historical perspectives.

MUED 6972    Seminar in Music Education    3 s.h.

Individual projects and discussion of fundamental issues in music education. Course may be repeated once with permission of instructor.

MUED 6973    Research Methods and Materials in Music Education    3 s.h.

A study of research tools and techniques and their application to problems in music education; critique of research studies. Research report required in nonthesis music education program.

MUED 6974    Contemporary Curriculum Development    3 s.h.

This course builds understanding and skill in designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating music curriculum with special attention to culturally responsive approaches that value inclusivity and diverse musical practices. Topics include conceptual frameworks, planning processes, pedagogical approaches, teaching and learning tools, assessment, and creative strategies for incorporating non-traditional content and practices into existing programs.

MUED 6976    Directed Study in Conducting    3 s.h.

Study of significant works, vocal or instrumental; special problems in conducting. May be repeated for credit.

MUED 6977    Philosophies of Music    3 s.h.

Development of advanced music scholarship skills through readings, analysis, and critique of some of the major ideas about music's value and place in society that have been advanced by scholars ranging from the ancient Greeks to contemporary music critics, performers, philosophers, educators, and psychologists. Course takes an interdisciplinary approach to developing the skills to articulate music advocacy arguments. One of three core required courses for all masters students.

MUED 6978    Contemporary Trends in Music Education    3 s.h.

Examination and discussion of music education in contemporary society. Consideration of repertoire, methods, and teaching aids with regard to current needs and emerging trends.

MUED 6979    Workshop in Music Education    1-3 s.h.

For students and teachers in service. Specific topics are announced each time the workshop is offered. Grading is satisfactory or unsatisfactory (S/U). May be repeated with different topic.

MUED 6992    Independent Projects in Music    1-4 s.h.

Individual research topics in music of a library, laboratory, or fieldwork nature.
Prereq.: Approval of Dana Graduate Committee.