Music Theory and Composition (MUTC)

MUTC 1520    Materials of Music    3 s.h.

Musical styles, listening concepts, and harmonic techniques as they relate to the literature of music. For students who do not qualify for MUTC 1531 or MUTC 1531N.

MUTC 1531    Music Theory 1    2 s.h.

The first of four courses in the Music Theory sequence. Accelerated review of scales, intervals, and chords. Principles of harmonic progression with diatonic chords in common-practice and popular styles. Introduction to analysis and phrase structure. Two-part counterpoint. Introduction to four-voice writing with diatonic, root-position triads.
Prereq.: Music majors who have completed a successful audition for the Dana School of Music, and have achieved 80% or higher on the Theory Placement Exam, or permission of the instructor.

MUTC 1531N    Music Theory 1 Intensive    3 s.h.

Intensive section of Music Theory 1. Music fundamentals, including pitch notation in treble and bass clefs, major and minor scales and key signatures, rhythm and meter, intervals and triads. Principles of harmonic progression with diatonic chords in common-practice and popular styles. Introduction to analysis and phrase structure.
Prereq.: Music major, having achieved a successful audition for the Dana School of Music.

MUTC 1532    Music Theory 2    2 s.h.

The second of four courses in the Music Theory sequence. Review of four-part writing and analysis. Non-harmonic tones, expanding harmonic functions with diatonic triads and seventh chords, six-four chord techniques.
Prereq.: grade of "C" or better in both MUTC 1531 and MUTC 1541.

MUTC 1532N    Music Theory 2 Intensive    3 s.h.

Intensive section of Music Theory 2. Introduction to two-part counterpoint and four-voice writing with diatonic, root-position triads. Non-harmonic tones, expanding harmonic functions with diatonic triads and seventh chords, six-four chord techniques.
Prereq.: Grade of "C" or better in MUTC 1531N and MUTC 1541.

MUTC 1541    Aural Theory 1    2 s.h.

Dictation exercises including solfege patterns, bass line recognition, melody with simple rhythm, and 2-part counterpoint examples. Sight-singing including simple diatonic melodies, duets, chord-singing, and improvisation. Keyboard exercises including solfege patterns, play-and-sing, and transposition exercises. Solfege drills to build and maintain fluency with the solfege system.
Prereq.: Music majors who have completed a successful audition for the Dana School of Music.

MUTC 1542    Aural Theory 2    2 s.h.

Sight-sing diatonic and chromatic melodies. Aurally recognize and sing all diatonic triads and seventh chords. Diatonic and chromatic melodic dictation. Dictation and singing of diatonic chord progressions. Dictation of diatonic two-voice counterpoint in both strict species and free styles Mastery of cadential patterns and voice-leading at the keyboard.
Prereq.: Grade of "C" or better in both MUTC 1531 (or MUTC 1531N) and MUTC 1541.

MUTC 2631    Music Theory 3    2 s.h.

The third of four courses in the Music Theory sequence. Continued mastery of basic voice-leading. Chromatic harmony including secondary dominants, modulations, modal mixture, and augmented sixths. Study of small and large classical forms.
Prereq.: Grade of "C" or better in both MUTC 1532 or MUTC 1532N and MUTC 1542.

MUTC 2632    Music Theory 4    2 s.h.

Advanced chromaticism, including chromatic and enharmonic modulation, extended tertian structures, chromatic mediants, altered dominants, and common tone diminished-sevenths. Early twentieth-century musical styles and model composition.
Prereq.: Grade of "C" or better in both MUTC 2631 and MUTC 2641.

MUTC 2633    Composition and Songwriting    2 s.h.

Students study the music of leading songwriters in the process of developing their craft and forming their own style. Assignments will include the creation of a portfolio of original compositions, as well as analysis of compositions by George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Harold Arlen, Duke Ellington, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Lennon/McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Donald Fagan, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Ivan Lins, Sara Bareilles, Kendrick Lamar, John Mayer, and many others.
Prereq.: MUTC 2631 with grade of a "C" or better.

MUTC 2641    Aural Theory 3    2 s.h.

Practice and mastery of advanced sight singing, aural recognition, and piano/instrumental skills. Dictation exercises including chromatic solfege patterns, chord progressions, contextual listening, and chromatic melodies. Sight-singing exercises including chromatic patterns, melodies, duets, chord-singing, and improvisation.
Prereq.: MUTC 1532 or MUTC 1532N and MUTC 1542 with grade of "C "or better.

MUTC 2642    Aural Theory 4    2 s.h.

Dictation exercises include melodies, melodic fragments, chord qualities, and harmonic progressions with enharmonic and chromatic modulations. Sight-singing exercises include melodies with advanced chromaticism and post-tonal melodies. Sight-singing repertoire including four-part chorales and music from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 2 s.h.
Prereq.: MUTC 2631 and MUTC 2641 with grades of "C" or better.

MUTC 3710    Orchestration and Arranging    3 s.h.

A hands-on course in which students develop and demonstrate fundamental skills in orchestration/arranging for wind band, orchestra, and choir. Topics include standard ranges, transpositions, clefs, timbres, playability/singability, tessituras, and common techniques and devices for scoring instruments and voices. Particular focus on arranging for school ensembles.
Prereq.: MUTC 2631 or permission of instructor.

MUTC 3712    Jazz Arranging 1    3 s.h.

Scoring in the jazz idiom with emphasis on harmonic concepts, voicing procedures, form, and stylistic trends developed by major jazz composer-arrangers. Detailed study of instrumental techniques with projects scored for various size ensembles. Student arrangements are performed in reading sessions and concerts. Classes must be taken in sequence.
Prereq.: MUTC 1532 and MUAC 2668 or permission of instructor.

MUTC 3713    Jazz Arranging 2    3 s.h.

Scoring in the jazz idiom with emphasis on harmonic concepts, voicing procedures, form, and stylistic trends developed by major jazz composer-arrangers. Detailed study of instrumental techniques with projects scored for various size ensembles. Student arrangements are performed in reading sessions and concerts. Classes must be taken in sequence.
Prereq.: MUTC 1532 and MUAC 2668 or permission of instructor.

MUTC 3733    Composition and Songwriting    2 s.h.

Students study the music of leading songwriters in the process of developing their craft and forming their own style. Assignments will include the creation of a portfolio of original compositions, as well as analysis of compositions by George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Harold Arlen, Duke Ellington, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Lennon/McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Donald Fagan, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Ivan Lins, Sara Bareilles, Kendrick Lamar, John Mayer, and many others.
Prereq.: MUTC 2631: Music Theory with a grade of 'C' or better.

MUTC 3750    Analytical Techniques    3 s.h.

Analysis of representative repertoire from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary periods.
Prereq.: MUTC 2632 and MUTC 2642 with grades of "C" or better.

MUTC 5821    Composition for Minors    2 s.h.

Composition in two- and three-part forms, and other compositions of small scope, such as variation and sonatina. Works are composed both for piano alone, and in combination with other instruments or voice. May be repeated by composition majors to meet requirements for freshman and sophomore composition for majors.
Prereq.: MUTC 2632 with a grade of "C" or better, or permission of instructor for composition majors.

MUTC 5822    Composition for Minors    2 s.h.

Composition in two- and three-part forms, and other compositions of small scope, such as variation and sonatina. Works are composed both for piano alone, and in combination with other instruments or voice. May be repeated by composition majors to meet requirements for freshman and sophomore composition for majors.
Prereq.: MUTC 2632 with a grade of "C" or better, or permission of instructor for composition majors.

MUTC 5828    Music Technology    3 s.h.

An exploration of the use of computers and technology in music. Applications related to composition, performance, analysis, teaching, and research.
Prereq.: MUTC 2632 with grade of "C" or better or permission of instructor.

MUTC 5830    Materials of 20th Century Music    3 s.h.

Study of the various elements of 20th century compositions, including melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, and form.
Prereq.: MUTC 2632 with a grade of "C" or better.

MUTC 5831    Modal Counterpoint    3 s.h.

Sixteenth century contrapuntal style including introduction of species technique; analysis of liturgical and secular repertoire; writing of imitative counterpoint with stylistic rhythms and cadences.
Prereq.: MUTC 2632 with a grade of "C" or better.

MUTC 5832    Tonal Counterpoint    3 s.h.

Contrapuntal style of baroque music including an analysis of examples in imitative and invertible counterpoint; writing two- and three-part inventions and three- and four-part fugal expositions.
Prereq.: MUTC 2632 with a grade of "C" or better.

MUTC 5833    Theory Seminar    3 s.h.

Topics in music theory not covered in regular upper-division offerings. May be repeated once with different topic.
Prereq.: MUTC 2632 with a grade of "C" or better.

MUTC 5834    Electronic Music    3 s.h.

Techniques of analog and digital synthesis including tape composition, musique concrete; advanced MIDI applications such as sequencing and sampling; and digital audio editing. Composition in electronic and mixed media.
Prereq.: For composition majors, COMP 1502 or equivalent; for non-composition majors, MUTC 2632 with a grade of "C" or better; for non-majors, permission of instructor.

MUTC 5840    Instrumentation    3 s.h.

Ranges, transposition, technical characteristics, and tonal features of the instruments. Scoring for large and small ensembles which are available as laboratory reading groups.
Prereq.: MUTC 2632 with a grade of "C" or better.

MUTC 6903    Advanced Composition    3 s.h.

Individual instruction in the composition of larger forms for chorus, orchestra, or chamber ensembles.
Prereq.: Permission of Instructor.

MUTC 6904    Advanced Composition    3 s.h.

Individual instruction in the composition of larger forms for chorus, orchestra, or chamber ensembles.
Prereq.: Permission of instructor.

MUTC 6913    Pedagogy of Theory    3 s.h.

The study and critical analysis of methods for teaching harmony, sightsinging, and ear training.

MUTC 6916    Fugue    3 s.h.

Analysis of the fugal style used in 17th-century trio sonatas and in both volumes of The Well-Tempered Clavier by J. S. Bach; writing three to four voice fugues employing imitative and invertible counterpoint.

MUTC 6921    Graduate Analysis 1    3 s.h.

Foundational graduate study of musical analysis. Includes basic techniques of harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic analysis applied to a selection of music literature from the seventeenth century through the present time.

MUTC 6922    Graduate Analysis    3 s.h.

A graduate study of musical analysis. Topics may include Schenker, Riemann, set theory, twelve-tone theory, analysis of jazz improvisation, analysis of jazz composition, and analysis of jazz arranging techniques.

MUTC 6930    Baroque Music Styles    3 s.h.

Stylistic and structural analysis of compositions from the Baroque Era.

MUTC 6931    Classic Music Styles    3 s.h.

Stylistic and structural analysis of compositions from the Classic Era.

MUTC 6932    Romantic Music Styles    3 s.h.

Stylistic and structural analysis of compositions from the Romantic Era.

MUTC 6933    Twentieth-Century Music Styles    3 s.h.

Stylistic and structural analysis of compositions from the 20th century.

MUTC 6935    Jazz Theory    3 s.h.

This course examines the process of jazz improvisation and undertakes a critical evaluation of the existing modes of analyzing improvisation. Students will learn to differentiate between pedagogical, speculative, and analytical theory and to apply appropriate analytical techniques according to the musical context. Emphasis will be placed on the development of critical listening and reading skills.

MUTC 6936    Jazz Composition    3 s.h.

Students will study the styles of leading jazz composers and arrangers in the process of developing their craft and their own style. Assignments will include a portfolio of compositions and analysis of compositions by Jelly Roll Morton, Duke Ellington, Thad Jones, and others.