Special Education (SPED)

SPED 2630    Individuals with Exceptionalities in Society    3 s.h.

Characteristics, adjustment problems, special needs with emphasis on educational solutions, co-teaching, and inclusionary practices. The laws and implementation; placement, programming, due process, resources recommended for accommodation of exceptional learners in diverse settings. Field hours required.
Coreq.: SPED 2630L.

SPED 2630L    Individuals with Exceptionalities in Society Laboratory Experience    0 s.h.

Laboratory experience for creating effective classroom environments for learners with special needs. Integrating the use technology to positively impact learning. Exercises designed to assist the student in better understanding the needs of all learners. Coreq: SPED 2630.

SPED 3715    Characteristics and Needs of Children and Youth with Mild/Moderate Disabilities    3 s.h.

Description and classification of students with mild/moderate disabilities and the impact on academic, social and emotional development. Relationship to the contributions of diverse disciplines to theory and practice. A developmental approach to motor, perceptual, cognitive, language and social-emotional functioning within inclusive educational settings. Use of Universal Design for Learning as a framework for accessible and varied learning opportunities for individuals with exceptionalities. Field hours required.
Prereq.: SPED 2630.

SPED 4828    Education for Children and Youth with Emotional Behavior Needs    4 s.h.

Instruction, curriculum and program development for youth who are identified with emotional disturbance and as a result are often in conflict with educational and social systems. Field hours required.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status.

SPED 4835    Classroom Management for Exceptional Children and Youth    4 s.h.

Development, implementation and evaluation of behavior management plans and strategies for students with exceptionalities in the classroom environment. Behavior management techniques to facilitate learning, self-management, and the development of social skills. Communicating effective management programs to parents, caregivers, teachers, and stakeholders. Field hours required.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status.

SPED 4836    Educational Teaching Strategies for Students with Exceptionalities: K -12 Moderate to Severe    4 s.h.

Field application of principles of all content areas and organization, and implementation of cross-curricular content areas across grades K - 12 for students with moderate to severe disabilities. This course is part of eight-week intensive pre-clinical field work.
Prereq.: Admission to BCLASSE upper division status; SPED 2630, SPED 2630L, SPED 4867.
Coreq.: SPED 4837, SPED 4838, SPED 4860.

SPED 4837    Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Exceptionalities: K-12 Moderate to Severe    4 s.h.

This course is designed to increase the candidate’s effectiveness as an educator by providing the candidate with an understanding of the theoretical framework for and practical applications of behavior and classroom management for exceptional children. Candidates will develop a working knowledge of the developmental theories of behavior and legal issues of classroom management as well as functional behavior assessment/analysis, and development, implementation and evaluation of individual and classroom-wide positive behavior intervention support plans for students with exceptionalities in the K-12 classroom environment.
Prereq.: Admission to BCLASSE upper division status; SPED 2630, SPED 2630L, SPED 4867.
Coreq.: SPED 4836, SPED 4838, SPED 4860.

SPED 4838    Collaboration & IEP Writing for Students w/Exceptionalities: K - 12 Moderate to Severe    4 s.h.

This course is designed to develop knowledge, skills and abilities related to collaboration, teamwork and writing an Individual Educational Plan (IEP). It provides pre-service teacher candidates with the information and skills necessary to collaborate and consult with other school professionals, families, and support agencies regarding the design and implementation of educational programs for students with moderate to severe disabilities in grades K-12. This course is part of an eight-week intensive pre-clinical field experience.
Prereq.: Admission to BCLASSE upper division status; SPED 2630, SPED 2630L, SPED 4867.
Coreq.: SPED 4836, SPED 4837, SPED 4860.

SPED 4849    Supervised Student Teaching: Mild Moderate/Disabilities    1-10 s.h.

Sixteen week supervised clinical teaching experience in licensure area. Provides candidate with opportunities to apply knowledge and skills, and display dispositions needed to effectively teach in diverse classrooms. CR/NC.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status with a minimum overall GPA of 2.75, passing scores on OAE tests prior to the start of the student teaching semester, criminal background check, and successful completion of respective preclinical experience, with minimum content GPA of 2.67 and professional education GPA 2.67.
Coreq.: SPED 4869.
Gen Ed: Capstone.

SPED 4851    Transition Planning, Social Skill Development and Health-Related Issues    3 s.h.

Emphasis on lifelong career orientation and the development and implementation of a K-12 prevocational/vocational curriculum. Effective teaching of interpersonal communication and social skills. Classroom climate, self-esteem, health-related issues. Integration of practical experiences in the classroom, home, and community. Field hours required.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status.

SPED 4852    Prog Development Instructional Strategies for Learners with Moderate to Intensive Except Learn Needs    3 s.h.

This course is designed to expand technical terminology and applied practices for candidates working towards licensure for students with moderate to intensive exceptional learning needs. Candidates will create individualized objectives, apply evidence-based practices, and report progress. Field hours required.
Prereq.: TELS Upper-Division Status and SPED 4834.

SPED 4853    Diagnosis and Intervention in Mathematics for Special Education    3 s.h.

Principles, practices, materials, and aids for teaching mathematics in special education, including diagnosis and evaluative procedures, individualized instructional techniques. Field hours required.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status.

SPED 4854    Cross-Curricular Interventions    4 s.h.

Field application of principles of reading in the content areas, organization and implementation of cross-curricular content areas across grade levels. Includes management of special education/inclusionary classrooms. Field hours required.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status, SPED 4828, SPED 4834, or SPED 4868.

SPED 4858    Educational Teaching Strategies for Students with Exceptionalities: Grades 6-12    4 s.h.

Field application of principles of reading in the content areas and organization, and implementation of cross-curricular content areas across grades 6 - 12. This course is part of an eight-week intensive pre-clinical field experience. Admission to BCLASSE upper division status required.
Prereq.: SPED 2630, SPED 4867.
Coreq.: SPED 4859, SPED 4860, TCED 4800L.

SPED 4859    Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Exceptionalities, 6-12    4 s.h.

This course is designed to increase the candidate’s effectiveness as an educator by providing the candidate with an understanding of the theoretical framework for and practical applications of behavior and classroom management for exceptional children. Candidates will develop a working knowledge of the developmental theories of behavior and legal issues of classroom management as well as functional behavior assessment/analysis, and development, implementation and evaluation of individual and classroom-wide positive behavior intervention support plans for students with exceptionalities in the 6-12 classroom environment. Admission to BCLASSE upper division status required.
Prereq.: SPED 2630, SPED 4867.
Coreq.: SPED 4858, SPED 4860; TCED 4800L.

SPED 4860    Transition, Collaboration & IEP Writing for Students w/Exceptionalities: 6-12    4 s.h.

This course is designed to develop knowledge, skills and abilities related to collaboration, teamwork and writing an Individual Educational Plan (IEP). It provides pre-service teacher candidates with the information and skills necessary to collaborate and consult with other school professionals, families, and support agencies regarding the design and implementation of educational programs for students with disabilities in grades 6 - 12. This course is part of an eight-week intensive pre-clinical field experience.
Prereq.: Admission to BCLASSE upper division status; SPED 2630, SPED 2630L, SPED 4867.
Coreq.: SPED 4858, SPED 4859, SPED 4836, SPED 4837, SPED 4838.

SPED 4864    Service Coordination, Collaboration, and Consultation for Students with Special Needs    3 s.h.

Methods and strategies for the cooperation and involvement of related services professionals, parents, and children in the coordination of comprehensive educational and service plans. Collaboration, communication skills and sensitivity to individual and cultural differences are stressed. Field hours required.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status.

SPED 4866    Assessment and Referral of Exceptional Children and Youth for the Intervention Specialist    3 s.h.

Development of skills in referral and assessment techniques in the areas of mild/moderate and moderate/intensive disabilities. Informal and formal methods including observation, authentic assessments, standardized measures, interviewing. Referral, initial and subsequent evaluation, annual review concerns.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status.

SPED 4867    Intervention and Remediation of Receptive/Expressive Language Dysfunction    3 s.h.

Theory and practice of intervention and remediation of basic cognitive processes especially in the areas of receptive and expressive language and cognitive skills for the intervention specialist. Field hours required.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status.

SPED 4868    Mild/Moderate Disabilities Practicum    4 s.h.

Diagnostic procedures used to develop a comprehensive assessment of a child's current functioning. Individualized education program/case study developed and partially implemented. Field hours required.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status, SPED 4866 and SPED 4867.

SPED 4869    Student Teaching Seminar for Special Education    2 s.h.

Student Teaching seminar provides an opportunity to study relevant topics related to teaching and learning, application of professional and ethical practice and OSTP standards, research and theory, knowledge of learners, and reflection on practice. Completion of edTPA is required. CR/NC.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status; Admission to Student Teaching in Special Education.
Coreq.: SPED 4839 and/or SPED 4849.

SPED 6900    Issues, Trends & Ethical, Legal and Professional Guidelines in Special Education    3 s.h.

This course is designed to provide the candidate with an exploratory study of the issues, trends, as well as the ethical, legal and professional guidelines in special education Candidates will become familiar with legal policies and procedures as well as practice ethical guidelines as related to students with exceptionalities. Candidates will understand how to advocate for improves outcomes for learners with exceptionalities and their families as well as design and implement professional learning activities to increase their own practices.

SPED 6906    Understanding and Addressing the Characteristics and Behaviors of Learners with Exceptional Needs    3 s.h.

This course is designed to provide the candidate with the knowledge and understanding of how individuals with exceptionalities grow and develop in an inclusive learning environment. Candidates will understand how multiple influences, including diversity, families, communities and individual differences shape an individual with an exceptionality’s development and learning. The candidate will then use this knowledge to develop high-quality learning experiences based on strengths and needs.

SPED 6914    Positive Behavior Supports/Intervention Strategies to Support Social-Emotional Needs of All Learners    3 s.h.

This course is designed to address the social-emotional and behavioral needs of children with mild to intensive needs, including those needing intensive support due to disability or trauma. It provides education candidates with effective routines and procedures consistent with the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to create a safe, caring, respectful and productive learning environment as well as a range of preventive and responsive practices. Candidates will apply specific tools grounded in the principles of ABA with ethical strategies being of particular focus. Candidate skills will be grounded in the ability to plan, implement and evaluate behavioral interventions and social skills programs within any special education service delivery model.

SPED 6916    IEP Planning and Accommodations for Learners with Exceptional Needs    3 s.h.

This course is designed to provide the candidate with an exploratory study of the IEP process Candidates will understand how to write an IEP as well as collaborate with families and fellow staff members regarding learners with exceptionalities on this process.

SPED 6917    Effective Instruction for Learners with Exceptional Needs    3 s.h.

This course is designed to provide the candidate with the knowledge about individuals with an exceptionality development and assessment data to inform decisions about effective instruction. Candidates will understand how to use explicit and systematic instructional strategies including active student engagement and motivation, differentiated instruction, flexible and small groups, specialized individualized instruction, self -regulated learning and meta-cognition strategies. The candidate will then use this knowledge to plan and guide instruction to meet the rigorous content goals for each individual with an exceptionality’s academic and social-behavioral needs.

SPED 6928    Transition to Adult Life    3 s.h.

This course is designed to provide candidates with best practices of the professional collaboration process to include specific models and strategies to improve the transition from school to adult life, including career readiness, community, and domestic skills for students with mild to intensive learning needs. Candidates will develop a team training model and evaluate evidence-based practices regarding the transition process for students. Individual strengths and characteristics will be considered to facilitate social, vocational, and daily living skills for all learners. Successful completion of field related assessment project is required.

SPED 6929    Assessment of Exceptional Learners    3 s.h.

This course focuses on the educational assessment process for exceptional learners. Topics include state and federal regulations, data collection techniques, formative and summative assessment, and test interpretation. Importance of instructional alignment between objectives, assessment, and instructional strategies.

SPED 6931    Field-based Practicum with Exceptional Learners in Grades K-6    3 s.h.

Practicum experience, with mild/moderate exceptional learners within grades K-6, in which the candidate acquires and demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design and implement data guided standards-based instruction with differentiated methods, assessments that promote learner growth including effective feedback, and collaboratively work with teacher(s), parents/guardians, and related service professional(s) to implement instruction to meet learners’ diverse needs. Field hours required.
Prereq.: SPED 6900, SPED 6906, SPED 6914, SPED 6916, SPED 6917, SPED 6928, SPED 6929.

SPED 6932    Field-based Practicum on Inclusive Practices with Exceptional Learners in Grades 7-12    3 s.h.

Practicum experience, with mild/moderate exceptional learners in an inclusion classroom within grades 7-12, in which the candidate acquires and demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design and implement data guided standards-based instruction with differentiated methods, assessments that promote learner growth through effective feedback, and collaboratively work with teacher(s), parents/guardians, and related service professional(s) to implement instruction and identify transition services to meet learners’ diverse needs. Field hours required.

SPED 6933    Field-based Practicum with Moderate/Intensive Exceptional Learners in Grades K-6    3 s.h.

Practicum experience, with moderate/intensive exceptional learners within grades K-6, in which the candidate acquires and demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design and implement data guided standards-based instruction with differentiated methods, assessments that promote learner growth including effective feedback, and collaboratively work with teacher(s), parents/guardians, and related service professional(s) to implement instruction to meet learners’ diverse needs. Field hours required.

SPED 6934    Field-based Practicum with Moderate/Intensive Exceptional Learners in Grades 7-12    3 s.h.

Practicum experience, with moderate/intensive exceptional learners within grades 7-12, in which the candidate acquires and demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design and implement data guided standards-based instruction with differentiated methods, assessments that promote learner growth including effective feedback, and collaboratively work with teacher(s), parents/guardians, and related service professional(s) to implement instruction to meet learners’ diverse needs. Field hours required.