Teacher Educ Middle Childhood (TEMC)

TEMC 3702    Teaching & Learning in Middle Schools    3 s.h.

Physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and moral development within social and cultural contexts to uncover implications for developmentally and culturally responsive curriculum and instruction.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status.

TEMC 3703    Thematic Instruction and Assessment Methods in Social Studies    3 s.h.

Investigation and application of principles from history, geography, civics, economics, and related fields to create appropriate learning experiences for early adolescents. Exploration of middle grade level group and individual assessment, thematic, problem-solving instructional approaches, and reflective evaluation of learning in a field-based setting.
Prereq.: TEMC 3702, TELS Upper Division Status, and approval of chairperson.
Coreq.: TEMC 4801 and one of TEMC 3704, TEMC 3705, or TEMC 3706.

TEMC 3704    Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School    3 s.h.

Focus on identifying and modeling strategies used for problem solving, communicating, and reasoning in mathematics. Learning to use mathematical connections to stimulate diverse students' development of math concepts and skills and creating learning environments in which students feel free to take risks. Field experience combining mathematics pedagogy/methodology in a middle grade classroom.
Prereq.: TEMC 3702, TELS Upper Division Status and approval of chairperson.
Coreq.: TEMC 4801 and one of TEMC 3703, TEMC 3705, or TEMC 3706.

TEMC 3705    The Teaching of Science in the Middle School    3 s.h.

Using NSTA/NCATE and Ohio Model guidelines as a framework, students focus on establishing and maintaining learning environments that provide diverse students with a holistic, interdisciplinary understanding of science. Topics include goals formation, planning instruction, instructional strategies, resource selection, assessment procedures. Promotion of the use of science processes and problem-solving skills for life-long learning, the integration of science/technology/society. Field experience combining science pedagogy/methodology in a middle grades classroom.
Prereq.: TEMC 3702, 12 s.h. science, TELS Upper Division Status, and approval of chairperson.
Coreq.: TEMC 4801 and one of TEMC 3703, TEMC 3704, or TEMC 3706.

TEMC 3706    Teaching Language Arts in the Middle School    3 s.h.

Integrated strategies for enabling diverse students to participate successfully in the activities of a literate society through listening, viewing, and communicating orally and in writing. Emphasis on integration of the language arts, higher order thinking skills, flexibility in applying the language arts in meaningful contexts across the curriculum.
Prereq.: TEMC 3702, TELS Upper Division Status, and approval of chairperson.
Coreq.: TEMC 4801 and one of TEMC 3703, TEMC 3704, or TEMC 3705.

TEMC 3707    Science/Technology/Society    3 s.h.

In-depth exploration of science/technology/society connections. A subject matter-problem-solving-learning environment triad provides opportunities for study of real-life, personal, and societal science and technology problems. Field experience in which students assess STS problems, devise solutions, apply and evaluate knowledge for community improvement.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status, 12 s.h. science.

TEMC 4801    The Middle School Learning Community    3 s.h.

History, philosophy, and concepts of middle level education, including interdisciplinary instruction, collaborative teams, cooperative learning, classroom management, teacher-based advisory programs, flexible scheduling, cross-age grouping, departmentalized/core curriculum, adapting curriculum to the needs of culturally diverse populations, and working with families, resource persons, and community groups.
Prereq.: TEMC 3702, TELS Upper Division Status, and approval of chairperson.
Coreq.: Two of TEMC 3703, TEMC 3704, TEMC 3705, or TEMC 3706.

TEMC 4801C    CE The Middle School Learning Community    3 s.h.

History, philosophy, and concepts of middle level education, including interdisciplinary instruction, collaborative teams, cooperative learning, classroom management, teacher-based advisory programs, flexible scheduling, cross-age grouping, departmentalized/core curriculum, adapting curriculum to the needs of culturally diverse populations, and working with families, resource persons, and community groups.
Prereq.: TEMC 3702, BCOE upper-division status, and approval of chairperson.
Coreq.: Two of TEMC 3703, TEMC 3704, TEMC 3705, or TEMC 3706.

TEMC 4802    Student Teaching: Middle Childhood    1-10 s.h.

Sixteen week supervised clinical teaching experience in licensure area. Provides candidate with opportunities to apply knowledge and skills, and display dispositions needed to effectively teach in diverse classrooms. CR/NC.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status with a minimum overall GPA of 2.75, passing scores on OAE tests prior to the start of the student teaching semester, criminal background check, and successful completion of respective preclinical experience, with minimum content GPA of 2.67 and professional education GPA of 2.67.
Coreq.: TEMC 4803.
Gen Ed: Capstone.

TEMC 4803    Student Teaching Seminar for Middle Childhood Education    2 s.h.

Student Teaching seminar provides an opportunity to study relevant topics related to teaching and learning, application of professional and ethical practice and OSTP standards, research and theory, knowledge of learners, and reflection on practice. Completion of edTPA is required. CR/NC.
Prereq.: TELS Upper Division Status; Admission to Student Teaching in Middle Childhood Education.
Coreq.: TEMC 4802.

TEMC 4804    Middle Level Instructional Design and Student Outcomes    3 s.h.

Presents teacher candidates with skills in predicting, understanding, and controlling the fundamental principles of learning. Classroom assessment, test administration, construction, scaling, norming, reliability, validity, and interpretation of individual and group tests will be covered. Attention will be paid to how these impact instruction and assessment in middle grades. To be taken concurrently with TEMC 4801.
Prereq.: TEMC 3702, TELS Upper Division Status, approval of chair.