Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Community Engagement and Organization


Do you have a fascination with developing content and utilizing various social media platforms to their fullest?  If so, then the Social Media Track will help you attain your future career goals.  The Social Media Track consists of two certificates:  one in content creation and the other in social media management.

In the content creation certificate, you’ll learn how to construct websites; explore the principles of media image management and repair; and learn how to use photographs and video to convey messages.

For the social media management certificate, you’ll learn how to manage personal and professional social media messages; how to evaluate client-based projects; and delve into future social media forms , and their issues of authorship, community, identity, interactivity, and visuality.

YSU 1500Success Seminar1-2
or YSU 1500S Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or HONR 1500 Intro to Honors
General Education Requirements
ENGL 1550Writing 13-4
or ENGL 1549 Writing 1 with Support
ENGL 1551Writing 23
GE: Mathematics Course *Any approved GE: Math, MATH 2623/2623C recommended3
Arts and Humanities (6 s.h.)6
Natural Sciences (7 s.h.) *two different science courses, one MUST include a lab7
Social Science (6 s.h.)
CMST 2600Communication Theory required for major3
GE: Social Science Course3
General Education Elective (9 s.h.)
CMST 1545Communication Foundations required for major3
CMST 2610Intercultural Communication required for major3
GE Elective Course3
Major Requirements
CMST 1500Exploring Communication3
CMST 2630Social Media Literacy3
CMST 2654Community Engagement & Relations3
CMST 2655Communication in Groups3
CMST 2656Interpersonal Communication3
CMST 3700Designing Communication Research3
CMST 3756Interviewing3
CMST 4896Communication Internship3
or CMST 4859 Organizational Cultures
Required Support Courses
JOUR 2602Media Writing3
MCOM 2624Communication Technology - Photo and Video3
MCOM 3780Presentational Literacy3
ENGL 3743Introduction to Public, Professional and Technical Writing3
Social Media Track
Upon completion of these requirements students will earn certificates in Content Creation and Social Media Strategy.
CMST 3740Social Media Communication3
CMST 3757Media Relations Writing3
CMST 3790Personal Brand Communication3
CMST 4850Social Media Campaigns3
CMST 4851New Communication Media3
COMMUNICATION ELECTIVE (6 s.h.) *Select 2 upper-level CMST courses (3700-5800)6
Senior Capstone
CMST 4899Senior Project3
Free Electives *Hours will vary based on what is needed for 120 SH22
Student must complete a minimum of 39 SH of Upper-Level Courses (3700-5800)
Total Semester Hours120-122
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
ENGL 1550
Writing 1
or Writing 1 with Support
CMST 1500 Exploring Communication 3
CMST 1545 Communication Foundations 3
YSU 1500
Success Seminar
or Youngstown State University Success Seminar
or Intro to Honors
GE: Math Course *Any approve GE: Math, MATH 2623/2623C recommended 3
 Semester Hours13-15
CMST 2600
Communication Theory
or Social Media Literacy
CMST 2656
Interpersonal Communication
or Communication in Groups
ENGL 1551 Writing 2 3
GE: Arts and Humanities 3
Free Elective 3
 Semester Hours15
Year 2
CMST 2630
Social Media Literacy
or Communication Theory
CMST 2655
Communication in Groups
or Interpersonal Communication
CMST 2654
Community Engagement & Relations
or Communication Technology - Photo and Video
GE: Natural Science 3
Free Elective 3
 Semester Hours15
MCOM 2624
Communication Technology - Photo and Video
or Community Engagement & Relations
JOUR 2602 Media Writing 3
CMST 2610 Intercultural Communication 3
GE: Lab Science 4
Free Elective 3
 Semester Hours16
Year 3
CMST 3790 Personal Brand Communication 3
MCOM 3780 Presentational Literacy 3
CMST 3740 Social Media Communication 3
GE: Social Sciences 3
Free Elective 3
 Semester Hours15
CMST 3700
Designing Communication Research
or Interviewing
ENGL 3743 Introduction to Public, Professional and Technical Writing 3
CMST 3757 Media Relations Writing 3
CMST 4896
Communication Internship
or Organizational Cultures
GE Elective 3
 Semester Hours15
Year 4
CMST 3756
or Designing Communication Research
CMST 4850 Social Media Campaigns 3
CMST 4851 New Communication Media 3
Communication Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Semester Hours15
CMST 4899 Senior Project 3
Communication Elective 3
GE Arts and Humanities 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 4
 Semester Hours16
 Total Semester Hours120-122


Regardless of track, students graduating with a B.A. degree in communication studies will:

1.    Collect, analyze, and report qualitative and quantitative data, demonstrating information literacy, critical thinking, and problem solving. 

2.     Effectively employ mediated communication technologies, including their features, functions, and applications, to competently communicate across different mediums. 

3.     Create professional, coherent, organized, and persuasive oral and written messages, which adapt to various purposes, audiences, and platforms. 

4.     Embrace individual and cultural differences, respect diverse perspectives, and create messages that accommodate differences to be prepared for multicultural workplaces.  

5.     Develop skills in leadership, professionalism, conflict management, and teamwork in preparation for career readiness. 

6.     Apply communication theory and concepts to personal and professional contexts, including intrapersonal, interpersonal, team, organizational, and mediated.