Minor in Environmental Geography

Select 3 s.h. from the following courses:
GEOG 1503Physical Geography3
GEOG 2630Weather3
Select 3 s.h. from the following courses:
GEOG 2610Map Use and Interpretation3
GEOG 2611Geospatial Foundations3
Select 12 s.h. from the following courses:
GEOG 1503Physical Geography3
GEOG 2630Weather3
GEOG 3701Introduction to Geographic Information Science3
GEOG 3702Introduction to Remote Sensing3
GEOG 3703Human Impacts on the Environment3
GEOG 3705Mountain Geography3
GEOG 3730Global Climates3
GEOG 3733Severe and Hazardous Weather3
GEOG 3735Water in the Earth System3
GEOG 3737Soils and Land Use3
GEOG 3775Field Methods in Geography3
GEOG 3782GIS Applications for the Natural Sciences3
GEOG 5802Biogeography3
The following may be used to fulfill the required 12 s.h. above if the course theme is environmentally related:
GEOG 4840Seminar in Geography3
Total Number of Semester Hours - 18