Kent Engelhardt, Ph.D.
Bliss Hall 2212
About the Major
The Bachelor of Music (B. M.) in Music Education, Instrumental Jazz program emphasizes collaborative interaction, individual creativity, musical proficiency, and pedagogy as well as historical and cultural perspectives through a unique jazz curriculum which is integrated into the Music Education degree. Through an interactive curriculum that includes courses from the Dana School of Music and YSU’s Department of Teacher Education—along with extensive field experiences in local schools—instrumental jazz music education students develop into reflective and passionate music educators. Teaching candidates from the Dana School of Music are dedicated to becoming culturally responsive music educators, reflective practitioners, and advocates for the arts who are informed by student-centered pedagogical practices, creativity, and a broad understanding about music and music education in society.
Contact Information
To learn more about our degree programs, audition information, scholarships, professional development and careers, performances, faculty, and students, visit Dana School of Music or contact us at 330.941.3635.
To schedule a personalized campus visit, contact the Cliffe College of Creative Arts Program Coordinator of Admissions and Recruitment at 330.941.2346 or sawaltman@ysu.edu. We would love to hear about your interests, show you our school, and become an important part of your future.
YSU 1500 | Success Seminar | 1-2 |
or YSU 1500S | Youngstown State University Success Seminar | |
or HONR 1500 | Intro to Honors | |
General Education Requirements | ||
ENGL 1550 | Writing 1 | 3-4 |
or ENGL 1549 | Writing 1 with Support | |
ENGL 1551 | Writing 2 | 3 |
Any Gen Ed Math (Recommended MATH 2623) | 3 | |
Arts and Humanities (3 hours satisfied by MUHL 3772 or MUHL 3773) *Included in major | ||
Arts and Humanities Elective | 3 | |
Natural Science (2 courses; one with lab) | 7 | |
Social Science elective | 3 | |
PSYC 1560 | General Psychology | 3 |
General Education Electives | 6 | |
CMST 1545 (3 s.h.) | ||
MUHL 3771 (0 s.h.) *Included in major | ||
Any Gen Ed Course (3 s.h.) | ||
Core Music Requirements | ||
Music Theory: 18 hours | ||
MUTC 1531 & MUTC 1541 | Music Theory 1 and Aural Theory 1 | 4 |
MUTC 1532 & MUTC 1542 | Music Theory 2 and Aural Theory 2 | 4 |
MUTC 2631 & MUTC 2641 | Music Theory 3 and Aural Theory 3 | 4 |
MUTC 3712 | Jazz Arranging 1 | 3 |
MUAC 2667 | Jazz Improvisation 1 | 3 |
Music History and Literature: 9 hours | ||
MUHL 3771 | Music History and Literature 1 | 3 |
MUHL 3775 | Jazz History | 3 |
Choose one from the following: | 3 | |
Music History and Literature 2 | ||
Music History and Literature 3 | ||
Keyboard Musicianship: 4 hours | ||
MUAC 1581 | Class Piano 1 | 1 |
Keyboard majors will substitute MUAC 2691. | ||
MUAC 1582 | Class Piano 2 | 1 |
Keyboard majors will substitute MUAC 2692. | ||
MUAC 3781 | Jazz Class Piano 1 | 1 |
MUAC 3782 | Jazz Class Piano 2 | 1 |
Conducting | ||
MUCO 3715 | Beginning Conducting | 2 |
MUCO 3716 | Advanced Instrumental Conducting | 1 |
Applied Lessons (Should be taken concurrently with an ensemble) | ||
Primary Instrument Applied Lessons: 14 hours | ||
Applied Lesson 1501 | 2 | |
Applied Lesson 1502 | 2 | |
Applied Lesson 2601 | 2 | |
Applied Lesson 2602 | 2 | |
Applied Lesson 3701 | 2 | |
Applied Lesson 3702 | 2 | |
Applied Lesson 4801 (with Senior Recital)** | 2 | |
Ensembles | ||
Large Ensembles: 5 hours | ||
MUEN 0006 | Marching Band | 1 |
MUEN 0023 | Jazz Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN 0023 | Jazz Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN 0023 | Jazz Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN 0023 | Jazz Ensemble | 1 |
Chamber Ensembles: 2 hours | ||
MUEN 0030 | Jazz Combo | 1 |
or MUEN 0013 Contemporary Ensemble | ||
MUEN 0030 | Jazz Combo | 1 |
or MUEN 0013 Contemporary Ensemble | ||
Music Education | ||
Methods: 4 hours | ||
MUAC 3735 | Jazz Methods | 1 |
Select 3 methods courses from the following: | 3 | |
Brass Methods | ||
Woodwind Methods | ||
String Methods | ||
Guitar Methods | ||
Marching Band Methods | ||
Voice Methods | ||
Percussion Methods | ||
Music Education: 26 hours | ||
MUED 2622 | Introduction to Music Education | 3 |
MUED 4820 | Teaching Music Students with Exceptionalities | 2 |
MUED 4823 | Teaching Elementary and General Music | 3 |
MUED 4825 | Teaching Music in the Secondary School | 4 |
MUED 4828 | Teaching Popular and Folk Music | 2 |
CCCA 4844 | Supervised Student Teaching: Art/Music (K-12) | 10 |
CCCA 4842A | Student Teaching Seminar for Art/Music (K-12) | 2 |
**Prior to student teaching (CCCA 4844), students are required to complete the Senior Recital. | ||
College of Education: 6 Hours | ||
TERG 3711 | Reading Application in Content Areas, Secondary Years | 3 |
EDFN 3708 | Education and Society | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 123-125 |
- All undergraduate music majors are required to attend 12 approved performances each semester for six consecutive semesters beginning in the freshman year.
- Applied lesson must be taken concurrently with an ensemble each semester.
Students are required to complete the Senior Recital prior to student teaching (CCCA 4844).
Year 1 | ||
Fall | S.H. | |
YSU 1500 | Success Seminar or Youngstown State University Success Seminar or Intro to Honors | 1-2 |
ENGL 1550 or ENGL 1549 | Writing 1 or Writing 1 with Support | 3-4 |
Applied Lesson 1501 | 2 | |
MUED 2622 | Introduction to Music Education | 3 |
MUTC 1531 & MUTC 1541 | Music Theory 1 and Aural Theory 1 | 4 |
MUAC 1581 | Class Piano 1 | 1 |
Keyboard majors will substitute MUAC 2691. | ||
MUEN 0006 | Marching Band | 1 |
Semester Hours | 15-17 | |
Spring | ||
ENGL 1551 | Writing 2 | 3 |
Applied Lesson 1502 | 2 | |
MUTC 1532 & MUTC 1542 | Music Theory 2 and Aural Theory 2 | 4 |
MUAC 1582 | Class Piano 2 | 1 |
Keyboard majors will substitute MUAC 2692. | ||
MUEN 0023 | Jazz Ensemble | 1 |
General Education Elective - Social Science | 3 | |
Any Gen Ed Math | 3 | |
Semester Hours | 17 | |
Year 2 | ||
Fall | ||
Applied Lesson 2601 | 2 | |
MUTC 2631 & MUTC 2641 | Music Theory 3 and Aural Theory 3 | 4 |
MUAC 3781 | Jazz Class Piano 1 | 1 |
MUAC 2667 | Jazz Improvisation 1 | 3 |
MUHL 3771 | Music History and Literature 1 | 3 |
MUEN 0023 Jazz Ensemble | 1 | |
CMST 1545 | Communication Foundations | 3 |
Semester Hours | 17 | |
Spring | ||
Applied Lesson 2602 | 2 | |
TERG 3711 | Reading Application in Content Areas, Secondary Years | 3 |
MUAC 3782 | Jazz Class Piano 2 | 1 |
MUHL 3775 | Jazz History | 3 |
MUAC 3735 | Jazz Methods | 1 |
MUAC 37XX - Methods Course | 1 | |
MUEN 0030 or MUEN 0013 | Jazz Combo or Contemporary Ensemble | 1 |
PSYC 1560 | General Psychology | 3 |
Application for Upper Division must be completed by this semester. | ||
Semester Hours | 15 | |
Year 3 | ||
Fall | ||
Applied Lesson 3701 | 2 | |
MUCO 3715 | Beginning Conducting | 2 |
MUED 4823 | Teaching Elementary and General Music | 3 |
MUTC 3712 | Jazz Arranging 1 | 3 |
MUHL 3773 or MUHL 3772 | Music History and Literature 3 or Music History and Literature 2 | 3 |
MUEN 0023 | Jazz Ensemble | 1 |
MUAC 37XX Methods Course | 1 | |
If students wish to student teach in the spring of 4th year, all convocation requirements must be completed by the end of 3rd year. | ||
Semester Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
Applied Lesson 3702 | 2 | |
MUCO 3716 | Advanced Instrumental Conducting | 1 |
MUED 4820 | Teaching Music Students with Exceptionalities | 2 |
MUED 4828 | Teaching Popular and Folk Music | 2 |
MUEN 0023 Jazz Ensemble | 1 | |
MUAC 37XX Methods Course | 1 | |
General Education Elective - Arts and Humanities | 3 | |
General Education Elective - Natural Science + Lab | 4 | |
Semester Hours | 16 | |
Year 4 | ||
Fall | ||
Applied Lesson 4801 (with Senior Recital)** | 2 | |
MUED 4825 | Teaching Music in the Secondary School | 4 |
EDFN 3708 | Education and Society | 3 |
MUEN 0030 or MUEN 0013 | Jazz Combo or Contemporary Ensemble | 1 |
General Education Elective - Natural Science | 3 | |
General Education Elective - Any Gen Ed Course | 3 | |
Senior Recital MUST be completed by the end of this semester. Application to student teach is due September 15. Placement meeting with Music Education Coordinator must occur before September 15. | ||
Semester Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
CCCA 4844 | Supervised Student Teaching: Art/Music (K-12) | 10 |
CCCA 4842A | Student Teaching Seminar for Art/Music (K-12) | 2 |
**Prior to student teaching, students are required to complete the Senior Recital. | ||
Semester Hours | 12 | |
Total Semester Hours | 123-125 |
- All undergraduate music majors are required to attend 12 approved performances each semester for six consecutive semesters beginning in the freshman year.
- Applied lesson must be taken concurrently with an ensemble each semester.
Learning Outcomes
The student learning outcomes for the major in music are as follows:
- Students will perform a public recital in their applied area.
- Students will analyze music, discriminate pitch, harmony, and rhythm, and perform harmonic progressions at the piano.
- Students will demonstrate critical thinking about the various historical periods, cultural contexts, and social forces that influence musical activity.
- Students will demonstrate basic keyboard proficiency, including scales, arpeggios, harmonization, repertoire, transpositions, and score reading.
- Students will demonstrate effective planning, teaching, and assessment appropriate to K-12 students in music settings.